Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!


Could you post better pictures of that first hen? I like things about her and want to see more please. Same with your 10 lb boy.

Structure first on your birds. I would like to see your 10lb bird on the ground. Lacing can be fixed, structure ..not so much and it takes a long time to build a barn.

Barnevelder cross with your double laced? Interesting lacing and pretty

Anyone care to comment on the quality of these 2 girls? They are just my pets, but I'm curious.

I like them both..
I really like your first girl. She looks round and full for a young bird. Both have nice dark Mahogany color. She has too much red for me, however she is beautiful and I would take her in a second.
Erin, I agree with delisha, i'd like to see more pics of both of your girls... are they missing tail feathers? otherwise their cushions look a bit too full for a 'dotte, but that may be the lack of tail on the first? and that upside down boy i'd like to see more of. his hackles are a bit too gold IMO, but like del said color can be worked on if type is there...

Kara, I like both of your girls, but I have a weakness for splash girls with wonderful deep red coloring. though the blue with her deep red is nice too. and they seem to have nice type as well. that first girl has a very nice head set as well. i'd add them to my flock easily.

Are these two BLRW? They are two days old here
Erin, I agree with delisha, i'd like to see more pics of both of your girls... are they missing tail feathers? otherwise their cushions look a bit too full for a 'dotte, but that may be the lack of tail on the first? and that upside down boy i'd like to see more of. his hackles are a bit too gold IMO, but like del said color can be worked on if type is there...

Kara, I like both of your girls, but I have a weakness for splash girls with wonderful deep red coloring. though the blue with her deep red is nice too. and they seem to have nice type as well. that first girl has a very nice head set as well. i'd add them to my flock easily.

Will do, I will try to get them tomorrow if it is not raining. Thank you!! I do love my flock, just trying to improve it every yr. This flock so far is Foley, Patterson, Paul, Gabbard Farms, Mstrawn (byc), Peaky Beaky (byc). This has been my 4 1/2yr flock, last yr I really thinned out with the older ones and brought in the 2 BYC's this yr to improve and add new blood.
Will do, I will try to get them tomorrow if it is not raining. Thank you!! I do love my flock, just trying to improve it every yr. This flock so far is Foley, Patterson, Paul, Gabbard Farms, Mstrawn (byc), Peaky Beaky (byc). This has been my 4 1/2yr flock, last yr I really thinned out with the older ones and brought in the 2 BYC's this yr to improve and add new blood.

The first 2 are the Black (the upside down one) from a couple months ago, The others are what I have in the breeding pens now, The brassy one has been since removed.
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Need advice-my BLRW roo had his feathers on his back plucked (I'm assuming) during the introduction phase into the big run. The next day all his tail feathers were gone. I removed him into solitary and sprayed Veterycin 4 times daily for several days. By the end of June it was looking better and feathers were beginning to grow back. He went back out to join the flock. There were feather shafts evident. This 4th pic was today. I don't know what's happening. Sprayed him with Veterycin today. But noticed how pink his skin is also. Any ideas? When this originally happened he was in a brooder cage inside the run. He was with another BLRW roo and 4 silkies. They all hatched same day and were together since hatching. Thanks!
I like the birds in the last 2 pictures-the rest have nice lacing, but I don't like the type as much(might just be how they are pictures too). Can you get side body shots of them?

The first 2 are the Black (the upside down one) from a couple months ago, The others are what I have in the breeding pens now, The brassy one has been since removed.
Use nu stock on the bald areas. My dog plucked one of my hens and nu stock both treats the area and since it has sulfur in it the other birds leave the area alone. Only re-apply when you see the yellow is gone.
Need advice-my BLRW roo had his feathers on his back plucked (I'm assuming) during the introduction phase into the big run. The next day all his tail feathers were gone. I removed him into solitary and sprayed Veterycin 4 times daily for several days. By the end of June it was looking better and feathers were beginning to grow back. He went back out to join the flock. There were feather shafts evident. This 4th pic was today. I don't know what's happening. Sprayed him with Veterycin today. But noticed how pink his skin is also. Any ideas? When this originally happened he was in a brooder cage inside the run. He was with another BLRW roo and 4 silkies. They all hatched same day and were together since hatching. Thanks!

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