Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

OK, im in the spokane Washington area, and i wanted to add a pullet or hen, i saw an add on craigslist the other day for pullets in the sandpoint idaho area, but now the post is gone, i think I've seen pictures on her before...
PM me if you have any still or will again soon.


I know they are really bad pictures but i was wondering if anyone could tell me if i would be able to show my rooster? I mean like is he up to standard enough to show. Thanks everyone!
He is a beautiful pet quality bird.

If you work hard and get him in condition, he could be shown in 4H.
Would like to double check now that these girls are about 10 weeks, do I still look to have two pullets? And what about quality, as well as color?
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Update: Peaky and others, my birds starting molting after 3 days of rain so no pics for a while I guess... They look shaggy :(

On another note: SOMEBODY HELP ME OUT HERE: Okay so I went to the state fair today to try to get an idea of what the judges are looking for in the birds. I walk in there and I am shocked! Every bird is HUGE compared to mine, and I mean like 15/20lb birds. What the heck???

My birds are like 12lbs for roos, 8-9lbs. for the hens...And ppl have told me that these are big. So now I'm so very confused. My standard I thought my size was perfect, but these birds were on steroids. I have never in my life seen them so tall and bulky.

What are they feeding them? How do they get them so big? Are they suppose to be this big?

Even the Blue Wyandottes there were like twice the size of mine by at least 1/2 a chicken size. Do I need to be buying what the ppl I talked to there as "Exhibition" size birds to even compete?

Suggestions thanks,
Update:  Peaky and others, my birds starting molting after 3 days of rain so no pics for a while I guess... They look shaggy :(

On another note:  SOMEBODY HELP ME OUT HERE:  Okay so I went to the state fair today to try to get an idea of what the judges are looking for in the birds.  I walk in there and I am shocked!  Every bird is HUGE compared to mine, and I mean like 15/20lb birds.  What the heck???

My birds are like 12lbs for roos, 8-9lbs. for the hens...And ppl have told me that these are big.  So now I'm so very confused.  My standard I thought my size was perfect, but these birds were on steroids.  I have never in my life seen them so tall and bulky.

What are they feeding them?  How do they get them so big?  Are they suppose to be this big? 

Even the Blue Wyandottes there were like twice the size of mine by at least 1/2 a chicken size.  Do I need to be buying what the ppl I talked to there as "Exhibition" size birds to even compete? 

Suggestions thanks,

I was shocked at the size of Jerry Foley's partridge. HUGE.... BIGGEST BIRDS I HAD EVER SEEN even show birds at Newman.

I don't know what they do other than breed for size. my BLRW. are not small but not huge either BUT I have a splash roo growing out that is 50% bigger than his sire and he is only 8 months old. his head comes up to my hip easy.....5'7" if that helps. I have a couple of pullets growing out for him but he may get a shot at all my pullets if he gets much bigger. most are splash pullets and just a few blues. just to see what I can get.

my white wyandottes are really big compared to my other wyandottes.....other than that splash roo.
another pic for reference
The are beautiful pets..both pullets and will give you beautiful eggs.
Update: Peaky and others, my birds starting molting after 3 days of rain so no pics for a while I guess... They look shaggy :(

On another note: SOMEBODY HELP ME OUT HERE: Okay so I went to the state fair today to try to get an idea of what the judges are looking for in the birds. I walk in there and I am shocked! Every bird is HUGE compared to mine, and I mean like 15/20lb birds. What the heck???

My birds are like 12lbs for roos, 8-9lbs. for the hens...And ppl have told me that these are big. So now I'm so very confused. My standard I thought my size was perfect, but these birds were on steroids. I have never in my life seen them so tall and bulky.

What are they feeding them? How do they get them so big? Are they suppose to be this big?

Even the Blue Wyandottes there were like twice the size of mine by at least 1/2 a chicken size. Do I need to be buying what the ppl I talked to there as "Exhibition" size birds to even compete?

Suggestions thanks,
The birds are getting bigger because the judges are picking bigger are breeding large birds. They should be large, but follow the SOP. They don't. My birds are heavier than the SOP in both Wyandotte and Orpington. Did you read the APA new bulletin that just arrived? Many articles were about Judging
Feed, worming, exercises, and sunshine is part of it, choosing the right female is the rest. Chicks get most of the size from mom, conformation from dad.
Calf Manna, helps with size and so does fermenting your feed.
Just got my APA Newsletter. There's a real nice article on the origin and history of the BLRW in it.
Update: Peaky and others, my birds starting molting after 3 days of rain so no pics for a while I guess... They look shaggy :(

On another note: SOMEBODY HELP ME OUT HERE: Okay so I went to the state fair today to try to get an idea of what the judges are looking for in the birds. I walk in there and I am shocked! Every bird is HUGE compared to mine, and I mean like 15/20lb birds. What the heck???

My birds are like 12lbs for roos, 8-9lbs. for the hens...And ppl have told me that these are big. So now I'm so very confused. My standard I thought my size was perfect, but these birds were on steroids. I have never in my life seen them so tall and bulky.

What are they feeding them? How do they get them so big? Are they suppose to be this big?

Even the Blue Wyandottes there were like twice the size of mine by at least 1/2 a chicken size. Do I need to be buying what the ppl I talked to there as "Exhibition" size birds to even compete?

Suggestions thanks,
Hi Erin,
I show my Rottweilers. My ***** meets the AKC breed standard . While I was competing in the breed ring, She was a FAT 94 lbs and she looked like a peanut next to the other bitches !!
As Delisha says below, if the judges put up the oversized birds................breeders will continue to breed them. I know that the SOP is open to the judges interpretation, just as the AKC breed standards are, BUT most of the specific requirements are there in black & white. Very, very frustrating !!!! I don't breed dogs or chickens, but I DO want them to look like what the standards say. Not freaky oversized beasts
This is just my opinion

The are beautiful pets..both pullets and will give you beautiful eggs.
The birds are getting bigger because the judges are picking bigger are breeding large birds. They should be large, but follow the SOP. They don't. My birds are heavier than the SOP in both Wyandotte and Orpington. Did you read the APA new bulletin that just arrived? Many articles were about Judging
Feed, worming, exercises, and sunshine is part of it, choosing the right female is the rest. Chicks get most of the size from mom, conformation from dad.
Calf Manna, helps with size and so does fermenting your feed.

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