Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

hey yall im may be interested in purchasing a dozen lf eggs to hatch this week wanting good blood lines from some nice full birds looking to not spend over 40 per dozen thanks
unfortunately I won't be offering any more for sale or trade this year, since i'm down to only 1 girl... my splash laced Canadian girl. i'll be hatching everything I can if/when she ever stops being broody...

on the positive side, tho I never gave her eggs, she took in a little stunted 'orphan' cochin cockerel, about 10 weeks old or so, who'd gotten soaked before bed and then scared by the predator (the night my foley girl was taken).

that night, after I found the foley girl, I checked everyone in the horse trailer (my primary coop for the free rangers) and he was hiding in among her fluff. since then she's been 'momma' to him. and he seems perfectly content to let her mother him too. his own broody momma brooded him for maybe a week, taught him where food and home were, then decided she was done. so he's been huddling with anyone who'd put up with him.
don't know about most, but mine sure as heck are/were. the bantam girls been broody twice already this year.
All of my BLRW hens except 1 hatched eggs and raised chicks. They didn't loose a single chick and were excellent mothers. I sold all of their chicks that were 6 weeks old and that night two decided to go broody and have been sitting for the second time this season on their next clutch. My hens will sit together and raise their chicks as a family unit. We have two cocks and both helped raise the chicks.
Quote: well, these are definitely not his chicks, but he 'babysat' all of last fall's cochin babies (and 1 dorking pullet) when they first started free ranging... not a great shot of Big'un, but I was focusing on the babies.

mille fleur bantam cochins, if you're wondering.

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