Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I just got a couple new Wyandottes. I was told they were BLR. The smaller one was born in June and is about 9 weeks old or so, the darker ones was born in May, so about 13 weeks. I have not had this breed before, but they look awfully dark for BLR's. What do you think?

This is the youngest one and the undercoat is quite light blue, and the feathers are lighter tipped than the older girl, but still on the dark side.

This is the older one, and she is much darker in all her coloring. Her underside is very dark, but the fluff next to her skin is lighter and more blue. Do you think they will color out different as they get older?

Here I am holding both of them. Love my girls!!!

Just wanted to share one of my 2013 Bantam BLR Wyandotte pullets

Where did you get her? Do you have the parents?

I ordered some BLRW bantams from a hatchery a couple weeks ago - so hoping I get something nice. Right now they are just scraggly chicks. I do not have a clue what they will look like in a few months.

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