Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Thanks for the updated pictures. I had 4 hatch and so far mom has kept 2 alive. I am hoping she keeps them going. All her Orpingtons are doing well so she is being a good mom. I am not sure what happened with her other two BLRW. That dark chick is getting lacing on the wings so I am sure it is a black. The red is dark on it and not orange at all so I am happy about that.The other chick looks to be blue.

I might need more eggs in the spring if these are not pullets.

One of my black chicks this year

He is dark mahogany and filling out nice. I am going to use him next year.
Is this one out of mine? Or someone else's I can't keep track of all of
no..the eggs you sent me just hatched a week ago..
That is what I thought, but I couldn't remember if I had sold you others earlier in the yr. And I am to lazy to locate my calendar with all my names on I need to go to ZzZzZbut I'm still going through the threads I've missed..

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