Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

True it would be easier to just buy bantams. however I am having a next to impossible time finding SL bantam chicks. The guy I got the eggs from only sells eggs. I've found hatchery chicks but I don't want to mess with that. I'm willing to put the time into a project.

Side note: I didn't realize I was on the blue laced thread, I thought I was on the Wyandotte thread, sorry for hijacking.
It's ok, I have a nice bantam pair of silver laced, that I plan on hatching some chicks out if this summer. I can let you know if I have available chicks.
Anybody that can tell me what I have here? These were taken at just over 4 weeks old. I'm afraid that they are all male, but I'm still hoping two might be pullets...maybe wishful thinking.
Each head shot starts a new chick should be 5 chicks but for some reason I can't see the photos in editor mode


















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Finally, we are starting to really get a lot more eggs! It was 65 will drop to 13 tomorrow night-but it felt great. Next hatch looks good-see how we do! We're going to hatch all year, so we should have chicks for sale all season-depending on how the girls do in the heat of summer.
at a glance I read "...more eggs...65 will drop to 13 tomorrow..."
Glad to know that's just the weather =)
what do you think of this 6 week old chick? How does lacing look and guess roo or pullet?

beautiful color for a young bird..vibrant..
It is hard to see wattles in your photos..I would need wattle shot to be sure..If I was forced to guess with these shots i would guess pullet
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Anybody that can tell me what I have here? These were taken at just over 4 weeks old. I'm afraid that they are all male, but I'm still hoping two might be pullets...maybe wishful thinking.
Each head shot starts a new chick should be 5 chicks but for some reason I can't see the photos in editor mode

A buff laced Wyandotte? I have never seen one before..I would not know for sure what it is to be honest. I do not see wattles..with out wattle pictures..I am no help for sexing.
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beautiful color for a young bird..vibrant..
It is hard to see wattles in your photos..I would need wattle shot to be sure..If I was forced to guess with these shots i would guess pullet

Are wattles the defining character at 6 weeks? Or just one of many things to look for?

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