Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Quote: thank you for answering my post. I'm very glad that you stopped by and saw my questions. Only you would have known the answer to the golden laced/ black laced question with your guy. As you can see he is doing really well. My mom loves him and can't wait to take him home. I would like to try and hatch a few more chicks from him before I move him to moms house.

So I take it that the blue doesn't show in the juvenile feathers? Just in the down and then adult feathers? The newly hatched chicks are also a dark color with blue down as well. I will post pics of them this afternoon. I thought I hatched more than two blrw chicks but everything els looks like my lavender amauracana chicks.

They look blue to me. The one is just really dark blue. You can't hatch anything but blue with that crossing so you don't have to worry about getting any other color. The blue color will vary. I would think your red color is going to vary too as your girl is not really RED she is more golden. Her lack of the mahogany gene will throw you some ODD colored chicks. You will have to work hard to keep the mahogany gene going in your birds especially if you keep breeding her..... she doesn't have it and can't pass it on to her chicks.
actually the pullet in the second pic is the blue hen at the bottom of the first pic... she did turn out very nice, just a lot lighter than I'd hoped. my mottled girls turned out nearly black. the only blue you can really see is in the lower body and tail.
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Hey all here are my new little ones i got from unclebeesbirds.




Got five of them.they are cute!
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