Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Around what age do BLRWs start to lay? I know they are usually a little later b/c they are so large, but I was just curious to everyone's experience. My 17 week pullets are huge compared to their hatch mates, and getting redder in the face faster, but I wasn't expecting them to start for a while. They are now both larger than the large fowl broody that hatched them, but they still come running for treats when she clucks, so cute!
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Around what age do BLRWs start to lay? I know they are usually a little later b/c they are so large, but I was just curious to everyone's experience. My 17 week pullets are huge compared to their hatch mates, and getting redder in the face faster, but I wasn't expecting them to start for a while. They are now both larger than the large fowl broody that hatched them, but they still come running for treats when she clucks, so cute!
I've had breeder stock lay as early as 24 weeks.
Got my new chicks from Sclark73 the other day and they are lovely! There are 4 BLRW's and 6 BLR EE chicks (the younger chicks.)
Can't wait to see them grow

Here's a few pics I took today of my BLRWs. Let me know what you think of them, any idea on ages, how long it might be until they start laying etc.? What do you think of the quality? The only decent pic that I got of my rooster was with one of my BCMs. Ill try to get another pic of him tomorrow and also one of my splash hen. Guess she didn't feel like pictures today! ;)






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