Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!



To make up for it here are some pics of our BLRW growing out :) super excited about this group!!!
That sounds like a very goos space!
Our BLRW roos are the same way
big guys that could rule the roost. Bit are just so docile and sweet.
We have a mixed roo who leads the pack here. He is good with us and his hens. But diligently keeps any cockerals in line. I never have to worry with Rae around. He is a good protector of his girls and the chicks we free range.

Hope it is ok! Nhe is not BLRW but can't help but share
What a nice rooster! Your son looks very pleased with himself lol, what a nice guy to tolerate the holding :) what breeds went into making him? I love a good protective rooster

To make up for it here are some pics of our BLRW growing out
super excited about this group!!!
they are so cute! how old are they now? where did you get them from? I hope you post more updates of them as they grow!

PS -
I added a new album to my signature with pictures of our coop/run/breeding pen area!
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I had some more fun with my new camera today!
sorry for the photo spam incoming!

this is my blue breeder hen, Loretta

she is modeling a chicken saddle because she was starting to lose some back feathers when she was in the main pen and before I processed several extra cockerels

this is my backup BLRW rooster named Napoleon

he is the smaller BLRW guy and he tends the egg laying flock

through the rainy season both my rooster's tails have looked horrible and ratty (in Oregon and they go out in the rain). does this happen to anyone else? now that it is warming up their tails are starting to fill out more
These little ones hatched today plus five more : They are Silver Laced rooster over a splash Blue Laced Red hen - first gen attempt of "Violet Laced" or "Platinum Laced" Wyandotte. Anyone else trying this combo?

I have a few other first generation that are 3 months now but they got mixed up in the brooder with my BLRW and now not sure who is who until these feather out - oops

I will send pics over every now and then :) they are our second generation here! Our originals came fro Mstrawn. I've been very pleased! The ones we bred last year both took blue :)
yours have nice type. I love photo bombing!
Ours tails got ratty last year because I let the bunnies hang with them in the breeder pens. And they chewed their feathers! Lol
RFR, I have been secretly wondering about the lavender! !!!! I would love if you posted more info :) I have SLW and BLRW so would just need to learn more how to make it happen.
Hubby will be so angry ;)
These little ones hatched today plus five more : They are Silver Laced rooster over a splash Blue Laced Red hen - first gen attempt of "Violet Laced" or "Platinum Laced" Wyandotte. Anyone else trying this combo?

I have a few other first generation that are 3 months now but they got mixed up in the brooder with my BLRW and now not sure who is who until these feather out - oops

omg! how precious!
That sounds like a fun breeding project, I hope you will post updates as they mature - I bet they will be beautiful!

I will send pics over every now and then
they are our second generation here! Our originals came fro Mstrawn. I've been very pleased! The ones we bred last year both took blue

yours have nice type. I love photo bombing!
Ours tails got ratty last year because I let the bunnies hang with them in the breeder pens. And they chewed their feathers! Lol
RFR, I have been secretly wondering about the lavender! !!!! I would love if you posted more info
I have SLW and BLRW so would just need to learn more how to make it happen.
Hubby will be so angry

Mstrawn and Peaky both have beautiful birds! you are off to a great start!
how funny about your rabbits lol. do you keep them for fun, or for meat? I have been interested in adding meat rabbits and I thought it would be cool if they could cohabitate with the chickens but I don't know anything about rabbits... what breed/s did you get?
Sure: Hoping others will try it. Put Silver Laced rooster over your splash BLRW hens, then take hens from this cross and put back with a SLW.... ideal is supposed to turn out like these birds from the UK: also called Blue Laced Silver. LOVE the color.
... will post updates . Have not seen a rooster in this variety online. Wonder if the red bleeds through? Anyone have info please PM.

Thank You.

:love omg! how precious!
That sounds like a fun breeding project, I hope you will post updates as they mature - I bet they will be beautiful!

Mstrawn and Peaky both have beautiful birds! you are off to a great start!
how funny about your rabbits lol. do you keep them for fun, or for meat? I have been interested in adding meat rabbits and I thought it would be cool if they could cohabitate with the chickens but I don't know anything about rabbits... what breed/s did you get?

We have Mini Rex, and Holland Lop. My daughter is going to start showing bunnies this year too! Ours are totally pets.
My sis has the low down on the meat rabbits. Her fav are Champagne Dargent surely I butchered the speelling here. And SilverFox. She has been breeding for a few years. She is totally into the all natural thing. And has been worki g really hard to get the meat to bone ratio in a younger age. That type of thing :)

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