Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Ok Saturday Night, Nothing better to do. I have a problem. Well a couple but, the one i need your help with is, BOY OR GIRL:

I will have another ones pictures posted tomorrow night… Because again, nothing better to do!

Please overwhelm me with your answers. Thx
Well, I read most of the thread from begining to end and now here I am. I am joining all you fine breeders on the BLRW journey. I have two 3 month olds who I do not have lines on, as they were purchased by a friend, both are cockerels, I am pretty sure. Then I have my single baby that is two months old approx. He is my 50 dollar bird which is the only surviving chick out of a batch of eggs that were mostly clears. Terrible fertility and shipped eggs = not a great outcome, then one of the two chicks to pip was mal-positioned and died about a week after hatch. I now have 11 eggs in the bator, pipping as we speak from a foley line. Fingers crossed Most hatch. I have had the worst luck trying to get started with this breed, from finding birds/eggs on. I have a long road ahead of me, but I have learned A LOT from this thread and am looking forward to learning more and making this work!

Here are some pics of my birds, who all did not want to cooperate with the camera. I can't easily tell the two cockerels apart, as I found out today, so I will be putting an additional band on one tomorrow. Any opinions on them are welcome, as well as color opinions. They are really just big piles of hot mess right now, but I have high hopes. I will be keeping an eye on the little black one as I have suspicions it is a roo too, and that would be just my luck t end up with all roos and no hens. HAHAHHA

Originally Posted by Arnaudjr View Post

I was told if I breed my blrw rooster to black they will throw blrw , is that true

not 100% , a blue BLRW has one gene to soften the black color.... if breed to a black BLRW you will get chicks with one half hatching out blue, and one half hatching out black.

That is the way I understand it also, if your Roo is a Blue BLRW and his hen is a Black BLRW then you will get aprrox 50% of chicks that are blue and 50% that are black
Thanks StarMeKitten and cuties! As promised, here is the other BLRW in question… At a few weeks old people said both He and She. As with HER SISTER from yesterday, they are 12 weeks old tomorrow. I tried to get a couple good shots of her butt and comb.

What Do you Think Boy or Girl?


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