Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Yep.  We had a Welsummer rooster who was flighty and gave me all kinds of trouble.  He would NOT stay out of my garden.  We eventually got rid of him, but not before hatching some of his chicks.  The cockerels were just like him.  I didn't even have a garden this winter, but they would hope the fence just to get to the grass on the other side.  Stewpot specials, every one. 

About your BLRW cockerels, have you noticed that the males are clumsy breeders or is it just ours?  It's almost like they are so big that they can't keep their balance.  Do you trim feathers for fertility purposes?  I have heard that some do that and am trying to decide if we need to.  this is our first year with them.

I didn't have any issues with fertility in the wyandottes last year. I have 3 dozen blrw eggs in the incubator due to hatch 3/25, first hatch of the year. I'll candle later tonight or tomorrow to check fertility. I have 2 roosters with 8 hens at the moment. I need to divide them up so that I can keep track of the parentage before I hatch many more.

I'm putting a couple silkie eggs in my incubator next. I am anticipating fertility problems there. I had nothing but problems with them last year... Then, I lost my silkie rooster to a giant snake. I did hatch ONE silkie chick out of a whole bunch of eggs. It turned out to be another blue rooster. :) So this year, we will try again. I hope I don't have to trim butt fluff.

ETA: I haven't noticed that they are especially clumsy breeders. The young ones are, but they figure it out eventually. I very rarely see my rooster mate though. Perhaps he IS clumsy and also embarrassed.
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Your birds are beautiful! I want some that look just like that some day

Thank you! Give me a bit and I can ship you some eggs.
I didn't have any issues with fertility in the wyandottes last year. I have 3 dozen blrw eggs in the incubator due to hatch 3/25, first hatch of the year. I'll candle later tonight or tomorrow to check fertility. I have 2 roosters with 8 hens at the moment. I need to divide them up so that I can keep track of the parentage before I hatch many more.

I'm putting a couple silkie eggs in my incubator next. I am anticipating fertility problems there. I had nothing but problems with them last year... Then, I lost my silkie rooster to a giant snake. I did hatch ONE silkie chick out of a whole bunch of eggs. It turned out to be another blue rooster.
So this year, we will try again. I hope I don't have to trim butt fluff.

ETA: I haven't noticed that they are especially clumsy breeders. The young ones are, but they figure it out eventually. I very rarely see my rooster mate though. Perhaps he IS clumsy and also embarrassed.
Maybe so!

That must have been some snake! Good luck on the candling, setting, and hatching!
This. We have two groups. One we raised from hatch, the other we purchased as adults. The ones we raised are more personable, but none of them jump on our laps unless we have treats. They are chickens, definitely not cats. lol. I have my favorites, and those are the most personable and inquisitive. None of our Wandottes are aggressive towards us and only slightly peckish towards the rest of the flock. We have never understood why they have a rep for being mean to the other birds. I love them.

One thing I have noticed is that birds of a feather really do hang together. Here are a few of our girls, you can see the Rhodebar pullets in the back.
Those are some great looking birds. I hope I get one to look like the gal on the right there. Of course, the light ones are great too. My chicks in the brooder are establishing their pecking order now and it freaks the kids out. It is hard to tell, but one of my Buffs might be a roo too and they are really going after each other, the two I believe are roos.
How do you guys like the temperaments of your blue laced red wyandottes? I think they're gorgeous but my normal black and white Wyandotte is the hardest to catch and most skittish of my bunch. Seems somewhat mean to the other chickens too. Is that a breed characteristic or dos the original owners not love her as much? All 6 of my chickens grew up together but they're all different breeds.

I'm looking for a very friendly chicken!

My original four hens are quite standoffish and are always long-term aggressive when I've added new birds. i have one blue laced pullet that I tried to add who was chased for a day or two until she found a spot to squeeze into the Marans pen where no one seemed to bother her. I might just add the next pullets to the Marans pen as well until they are full sized and then put them in with the older Wyandottes at once.
Those are some great looking birds. I hope I get one to look like the gal on the right there. Of course, the light ones are great too. My chicks in the brooder are establishing their pecking order now and it freaks the kids out. It is hard to tell, but one of my Buffs might be a roo too and they are really going after each other, the two I believe are roos.

Thanks! We are very happy with them.
Our BLRW cockerels went after each other like no other breed we have had when they were in the brooder. It was actually quite cute to watch. We finally separated them this month because they were damaging each others' combs and wattles.

Good luck with your birds.

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