Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

A fun photo of my 9 month old blue cockerel.
This. We have two groups. One we raised from hatch, the other we purchased as adults. The ones we raised are more personable, but none of them jump on our laps unless we have treats. They are chickens, definitely not cats. lol. I have my favorites, and those are the most personable and inquisitive. None of our Wandottes are aggressive towards us and only slightly peckish towards the rest of the flock. We have never understood why they have a rep for being mean to the other birds. I love them.

One thing I have noticed is that birds of a feather really do hang together. Here are a few of our girls, you can see the Rhodebar pullets in the back.

So I am getting my first blue laced red wyandotte pullets Thursday! I'm very excited! They will be day olds. What should I expect the chicks to look like as far as colors? Any pics out there?
So I am getting my first blue laced red wyandotte pullets Thursday! I'm very excited! They will be day olds. What should I expect the chicks to look like as far as colors? Any pics out there?
from everything I have read and been told, it is hard to tell black from blue at that age. Not even the splash is always easy. I picked up 3 a few weeks back. They are nearing a month old. I will toss up a photo. I think we have 1 splash for sure and possibly two blues or darker splash.
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can you pick out the Roo? Yeah, he is growing at nearly twice the rate of the other two. There are photos of these three in the thread at around a week or two. Our avatar is of the two darkest ones that we got.
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