Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Hi! First time BLRW owner here...I ordered a chick and got her (amont with others --SLW, GLW, Blue Wyandotte, BC Marans and a Lav Orp!) about a month ago. I'm hoping she really is the BLRW I ordered because she looks an awful lot like the Golden right now (who's quite a bit older). Any thoughts?

Hi! First time BLRW owner here...I ordered a chick and got her (amont with others --SLW, GLW, Blue Wyandotte, BC Marans and a Lav Orp!) about a month ago. I'm hoping she really is the BLRW I ordered because she looks an awful lot like the Golden right now (who's quite a bit older). Any thoughts?


When breeding blue to blue, there's about a 25% chance of getting black. So it is possible to get a black laced red instead of a blue or splash laced red. Unfortunately, in hatchery stock, there's not a whole lot of difference between a black laced red and a golden laced. That being said, it's tough to say if your chick is blue laced or black laced at that age. By about 6 weeks, you'll be able to tell what color she will be.
When breeding blue to blue, there's about a 25% chance of getting black. So it is possible to get a black laced red instead of a blue or splash laced red. Unfortunately, in hatchery stock, there's not a whole lot of difference between a black laced red and a golden laced. That being said, it's tough to say if your chick is blue laced or black laced at that age. By about 6 weeks, you'll be able to tell what color she will be.

Crud, that's what I was afraid of. Well, we'll see how she turns out. She has a pretty stellar personality :)
The other 3 look blue to me... But for what it's worth, I have only ever had a couple black laced chicks hatch... So I'm not good at picking those out. I have a black cockerel and blue rooster over blue and splash hens right now. Chicks due to hatch on Saturday. I'm hoping to get some black laced this time. I'll post some photos when they hatch to show the difference between the blue, black, and splash varieties...
Oh that'd be great... I think for sure a splash and two blues one is a little darker than the pic shows so may be questionable for black... We will see, plus these are straight run... I hope I have some pullets

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