Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

So if I am looking at BLRW chicks fixing to purchase them I should look for red strip and head?
In my experience, there is zero way to tell the difference between the male and female BLRW chicks (except vent sexing). Every time I think I land on a difference, I find out otherwise. What definitely does not work is feather sexing, the no tail=roo thing, early feathering, lighter blue on back=male. I've had it go both ways on all of those. Very best of luck to ya!!!
To tell the difference between blue, black, and splash I would need to look at the stripes on the back? Red=blue lace. Black=black lace. Light color=splash? Just wanting to know what to look for I want a variety.
To tell the difference between blue, black, and splash I would need to look at the stripes on the back? Red=blue lace. Black=black lace. Light color=splash? Just wanting to know what to look for I want a variety.

From the little bit of experience I have, the lightest yellow one, even the VERY light stripe down the back, is splash. The red to dark brown stripe can be blue. And if it's blackest of black strip it could be black.
How about this one? Blue or splash??

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