Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I think SHES beautiful!
I also think I'm about over these blues! The first four all seem to be boys and I can already tell my second round of three chicks is looking like a boy or two. I can't stand selling these babies!
I think she is very pretty. I have 7 that are about six and a half weeks old. I'm still not sure what they are but I think most are pullets.
Just wondering.. All of mine seem to feather/tail develop fast and all seem to get wattles very early, but some grow their comb a bit faster than others. What matters more in sexing , comb or wattles or both
Just wondering.. All of mine seem to feather/tail develop fast and all seem to get wattles very early, but some grow their comb a bit faster than others. What matters more in sexing , comb or wattles or both
That's an awesome question! I would like to know that, too. I always thought both.
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