Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Within days of my post, both chicks' wattles and combs grew darker in color and larger in size so definitely roos. All 4 chicks are dark in color. I know the blue in BLRW refers to the breed and they can actually be blue, black, or splash. Could they end up being blue or are these definitely black?



They are blues.
Hello, I am in Oregon and had recently bought 4 straight run blrw chicks from the local Winco. Almost 6 weeks today and had 2 really good looking blue cockerels with great lacing and 2 splash pullets with less than desirable markings. This morning my puppy got in the outdoor pen and killed the 2 cockerels. I'm interested in procuring more birds locally whether as adults, chicks or hatching eggs. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.
thought I'd throw up a picture of the 4 of them before the incident. I still have the back left and back right 2 the picture has a novogen red and a barred rock that the dog got too.

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