Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Heres my roo
Here is my main rooster. My question is "Is he a Blue or a Black?? I have thought all along that he is a blue. I still think I am correct. Here is the problem, he has had 3 splash hens and a blue to mate with and that would mean with 3 of the hensNO BLACK Babbies if I understand the ratio properly and only with the 1 blue hen would he have a 25% chance of black laced offspring. However, I have gotten 1 blue, 9 splash and 5 black babies. Is should be only 3.75 of the babies should be black and something like 50% should be blue and yet I have 5 black and should have 3.75 and should have 7.5 blues and only gotten 1. Is there a chance he is light black or what am I missing? thanks for the help. -Matt
He's definitely blue. Those odds won't necessarily be accurate in small batches. You can flip a penny 10 times and get heads 8 times... But you still have a 50/50 chance each time. Flip the coin 100 times and you'll see something a whole lot closer to 50/50. That being said, how old are your chicks? The blacks and blues can be really hard to tell apart before about 5-6 weeks old. If your chicks are younger than that, I suspect some of your black chicks are actually blue.
I agree, he's blue. Just a dark blue, so his babies will be dark too. It took 8 weeks for mine to lighten from dark charcoal to a dark blue.
Here's my first and only BLRW - 8 weeks old. Betty Lou Rae Wyandotte.

And with her EE hatchmate Lizzy.

They were moved to the new outside coop at 4 weeks old and started free-ranging with the big girls two days later. Broody mama took them over and introduced them after they'd all kept their distance for the first couple of days. She returned to the rest of the flock (two other hens) and the old coop when the babies were five weeks old. Everybody is happy; especially me cuz I'm 99.9% sure they are both pullets. She has her blue chick fluff still and it looks like she may be getting blue lacing, but I'm not sure as this is my first BLRW.

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