Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

My Lavender Laced project birds - updated pics - comments and critique welcome. They are only generation 3 so plenty of work, but I am happy with their progress
They are about 7 months now and a few have started laying. I have another pen of them with 7 more hens and two more roosters.

@RFR of CA

Great project and good looking color. You do work with big numbers in the breeding flocks. If I understand correctly you have 3 cockerels and 11 pullets. Isn't it more interesting to keep the cockerels separated and put them together with the two best matching pullets? The cockerel on the pictures has a good head and comb, but the lacing on the wings and chest looks incomplete. He also looks like he's standing a little high on his legs. The pullets look like they have nice types and promising tails (even though they are molting).
I have 13 hens, but one has enough red leakage that I might cut her from the group. I will sort them like you say when I start breeding. Most are not yet laying and the year is winding up so spring is more likely. At most I will do a test group next month.

Thank you so much for your input.

I will take pics of they other two roosters this weekend.
Here are the other two boys...hard to get them to pose for pictures! They are only about 7 months so I know they have some growing and color changes still coming.

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@RFR of CA

Those look good too! My biggest remarks would be the lacing on the wings and the legs that look a little long. The color looks more dark, but I believe that the pictures were taken in a more shady area.

This rooster on the picture underneath (my picture, not my bird) shows three rows of good lacing on his wings. In my humble experience I can tell that this is something you're looking for in a good breeding rooster. The length of his legs are hard to compare with your roosters because of the totally different perspective. His legs might even be a little too long for "perfection".

Hope to see more of your breeding project!
Yes, I think I will attend some local shows so that I can see what "ideal" is and talk to a few judges/breeders. I also need a very good Silver Laced rooster to breed to my splash BLRW hens to start my backup group. I bred a gorgeous splash pair that I bought from Foley and created some pretty hens, but the SLW rooster I got from another source died on me
If anyone has a link to someone with eggs please let me know. Wyandodo you would not happen to have eggs?

Here are the parents to my splash hens: Foley's mahogany red is one of a kind!

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I'm hoping someone in this thread might be able to help me figure out how old our new BLRW is. I am new to backyard chicken raising and purchased two Wyandotte's from a lady not far from us. When I picked them up on 9/9/16 I noticed that the blue laced was considerably smaller than the black laced. Both were supposed to be 20 weeks old, clearly this was not the case. Stella is the black laced and Gertie is the blue laced red. Gertie began her juvenile molt about 2 days after we put them in quarantine and is now growing her adult feathers, but her comb is so pale compared to Stella's, I'm worried and want to make sure there's nothing wrong with her. This might be normal for the breed, but I want to be sure. She acts normal, eats and has perfect poops. I don't know if they lady I got them from wormed them or not, but I don't see signs of worms and neither has mites (but I dusted them when we got them to be sure). After flock intro and integration about 3 weeks ago, Stella began laying consistently so I'm guessing Stella is about 24 weeks old. I'm also wondering if Stella is a black laced gold as I'm not positive she is a black laced red. We have never raised hens from chicks so we have no idea how they look at certain ages. The 4 adult hens we already had were adopted as adults this past March (RIR, leghorn and 2 EEs). Here's a pic, I'm hoping folks with far more experience with Wyandotte's can help us determine how old Gertie might be and whether the color of her comb is normal for her age. We want to make sure there's nothing wrong with her:


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