Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

The single comb is a recessive gene that hides in many BLRW's.  If you bred two birds together  that carry a single copy of the single comb gene, 25% of their offspring will have the single comb.  I have a beautiful hen that has a single comb.  Does that single comb mean that she is not a BLRW?  No, I just can show her.  Some breeders automatically cull the single comb chicks, I do not.  I wait and see what they turn into.  Why cull a beautiful girl if you are not going to show her, but just use her as a breeder.  I do not however keep single comb roosters. 

I would be that % that culls single combs as I do not like single combs to start with esp on a rose comb breed lol
The single comb is a recessive gene that hides in many BLRW's.  If you bred two birds together  that carry a single copy of the single comb gene, 25% of their offspring will have the single comb.  I have a beautiful hen that has a single comb.  Does that single comb mean that she is not a BLRW?  No, I just can show her.  Some breeders automatically cull the single comb chicks, I do not.  I wait and see what they turn into.  Why cull a beautiful girl if you are not going to show her, but just use her as a breeder.  I do not however keep single comb roosters. 

Why would you keep and breed a single comb hen but not a single comb rooster?
I dont have wyandottes any more but when I did I culled all single comb birds and all of the parents that produced them.
Why would you breed them? Every chick they produce will carry the single comb gene and it would be hidden so those would also pass the gene to some of their offspring and so on and so on.
Thats why it is as much of a problem as it is. Recessive genes are hard to get rid of. I bred to get rid of the issue not continue to make it more of one.
It's all personal preference really some people say single comb birds increase various traits in their lines of BLRW. I don't think that is the case.
It's all personal preference really some people say single comb birds increase various traits in their lines of BLRW. I don't think that is the case. 

I dont see how they would help. Theyre the same birds except with a major fault right?
I have rose comb and single comb leghorns and maybe I could see someone using single comb in a rose comb line if the single comb line had a lot better type but wyandottes are only rose combs so single combs are just popping up along side rose comb siblings. Why not just use the rose combs they should be of the same type.
I can understand person preference and really dont care if someone wants to breed them but dont get breeding birds with a fault like that when i cant see any way it would help the breed or a line but I can see it making that issue continue and worse.
Just trying to see if im missing something.
I dont see how they would help. Theyre the same birds except with a major fault right?
I have rose comb and single comb leghorns and maybe I could see someone using single comb in a rose comb line if the single comb line had a lot better type but wyandottes are only rose combs so single combs are just popping up along side rose comb siblings. Why not just use the rose combs they should be of the same type.
I can understand person preference and really dont care if someone wants to breed them but dont get breeding birds with a fault like that when i cant see any way it would help the breed or a line but I can see it making that issue continue and worse.
Just trying to see if im missing something.

They are the same birds except with a major fault. There is absolutely no reason to believe single comb birds increase fertility, better lacing, better color, or any other characteristic besides comb shape. The actual single comb allele doesn't increase fertility or any other characteristic besides comb type. That's not how genes work. If a single comb bird happens to increase fertility, it is because of the alleles that control fertility, not the ones that control comb shape. Same deal with any other characteristic. It is just a myth. Yes, they are the same birds except with a major fault. Saying single comb birds increase fertility in a rose combed breed when single comb is a disqualifying fault is just as ridiculous as saying that pointy eggs hatch males and round eggs hatch females. A total myth. Point is, its nonsense. Now, I respect everybody's breeding program as long as they have the right idea in mind, and if people truly think SC birds will improve their line, let them think that. Doesn't bother me. I will continue to cull single comb birds at my place regardless, and so will a bunch of other breeders.
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They are the same birds except with a major fault. There is absolutely no reason to believe single comb birds increase fertility, better lacing, better color, or any other characteristic besides comb shape. The actual single comb allele doesn't increase fertility or any other characteristic besides comb type. That's not how genes work. If a single comb bird happens to increase fertility, it is because of the alleles that control fertility, not the ones that control comb shape. Same deal with any other characteristic. It is just a myth. Yes, they are the same birds except with a major fault. Saying single comb birds increase fertility in a rose combed breed when single comb is a disqualifying fault is just as ridiculous as saying that pointy eggs hatch males and round eggs hatch females. A total myth. Point is, its nonsense. Now, I respect everybody's breeding program as long as they have the right idea in mind, and if people truly think SC birds will improve their line, let them think that. Doesn't bother me. I will continue to cull single comb birds at my place regardless, and so will a bunch of other breeders.

Its my prerogative as to which birds I cull. If I have a bird that has really great lacing, body shape, head shape, tail, color, and a single comb, I will keep her for my breeding program. That is just how I do it.
My two new babies. They are a week old now. I can't wait to see what they are going to look like





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