Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Yes I have.

There is not a color variation between sexes of BLRW. At least not to extent to determine sex better than the normal cues- legs, hackle feathers, color of comb and wattle size.

Thank you so much, Egghead Jr! So would you say pullet based on those usual clues? I'd guess so by combed and wattle.
Just found this thread! So excited there’s one for blue laced red Wyandottes. I only have one, 3 1/2 week old Rosie, she is the sweetest little chick! Other photo is Rosie with 3 of her sibs as a 4 day old. Excited to see how she feathers out as she grows older. So many gorgeous chickens on this thread!❤
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Hi everyone! I just joined backyard chickens so bare with me. I got my first flock of chickens this spring, 6 straight run BLRW.
They are 5 months old now and I still don’t know which ones are hens and which ones are roos. I was hoping I could get some feedback.
Chicken #1


chicken #2

Chicken #3

chicken #4

Chicken #5


chicken #6

Please let me know your opinions! I have a feeling I have mostly boys but am hoping for at least 1 hen.
This is a tricky one! I don’t see any obviously male characteristics other than larger waddles in a few of them. I don’t see any pointy hackle feathers or pointy saddle feathers that you would expect at this age. They should also be laying soon your hens anyway, which will increase the redness in their combs and waddles. Wyandotte also have the rose comb which can be a bit large in females as well. Honestly I don’t think any of them are males. I am no expert hopefully some others will give their feedback! Also they look more like gold laced Wyandottes. then blue laced red to me. Some of them may be mixed between the two based on the coloring I’m seeing. A lot of gold in the neck feathering that you would not expect to see in a blue laced red. Beautiful birds though! Good luck!😊
Definitely no obvious roos. Also they have a lot of gold coloring. I'm not any sort of expert, but my guess is that you are one of the few lucky people that has defied odds and gotten all hens from a straight run batch! Lucky. I'm jealous. In any case, you should be able to tell in a month or two when they start laying. :D You could have a late bloomer somewhere in there though... maybe I'm prematurely jealous.
Hi everyone! I just joined backyard chickens so bare with me. I got my first flock of chickens this spring, 6 straight run BLRW.
They are 5 months old now and I still don’t know which ones are hens and which ones are roos. I was hoping I could get some feedback.
Chicken #1
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chicken #2
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Chicken #3
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chicken #4
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Chicken #5
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chicken #6
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Please let me know your opinions! I have a feeling I have mostly boys but am hoping for at least 1 hen.

all are hens your good to go
Omg as much as I would love to have a bunch of hens I convinced my dad to get some sex links because I thought we had a bunch of roos.😬 I would like to have at least 1 rooster but in any case if I can’t keep them all, as I would love too, it is easier to find homes for hens than it is for roosters. Hopefully they are not a bunch of late bloomers but I will post more pics in a couple weeks and see if anything changes. Also we got them from a feed store that labeled them as blue laced reds but they are obviously not to breed standard and I don’t plan on breeding them. Although they are super pretty imo
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Got the first eggs today!!!!! Turns out one of my hens had been sneaking away into our hay stall to lay! Couldn’t be mad at her because this was the best surprise!!! I was letting the chickens outside and a couple snuck into our hay stall. When I went to go shoo them out I saw her laying down in the corner. When she finally came out I rushed in to see if she had layed and found a whole stash!!!! I put the eggs and some hay in their nesting boxes so hopeful they will lay in there from now on. They are 22 weeks old btw😁😁😁😁😁
In and out of bushes made for few photos but did get a good look at the grow outs. The choices of last years culls and spring breeding made a lot of headway getting rid of the sprigs on combs and cleaning up the gold shafting in lace. Down side is now the birds need work on lift in tail. It's never ending for sure.

OK, I see now there were only two decent photos of pullets and one of one of the Dams. Wish she had more red in hackle. I'll get better photos as I am thinning the flock.


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