Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Decided to get something I haven’t had before and settled on this girl from a hatchery. She’s only a couple days older than this picture of her ( picked her up Tuesday ).

Yeah, I had to clean some pasty butt.
Differentiating the colors at hatch depends on the source. If the blue color is every range then it's very difficult to distinguish a light blue from splash or very dark blue from black. If from a source that has worked on the variety for a while then the blue should be more consistent which is a lot easier.
I really need to get some pictures of mine and post them here.
I bought 9 BLRW at tractor supply a couple months ago. They are all nearing egg laying. Of course though, with tractor supply being sus with their tags, I have only one that actually looks like a BLRW. Then their are two others who could be BLRWs? Their are a few that may be golden laced Wyandotte's, and the others that are black. Will try and get photos in a bit.

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