Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Here's my top contender for 2024 breeder. Knock on wood, we don't get a mink this spring.
Hi all! After drooling over this variety for years we were finally able to get one! She's from Meyer hatchery, so I don't expect her to be quite up to standard but I'm hoping for half decent lacing at least. We were hoping for blue, but we're limited to 6 chickens so we only got one. We were slightly disappointed when our chicks arrived and our wyandotte looked like she was probably black laced.

But i know that blue can be so dark as to look black, so I've been watching and hoping as her feathers started coming in over the last 3 weeks.
After looking closely in natural light this evening I think she's a dark blue, but I'd love to hear the opinion from someone who has experience with this color.
Hi all! After drooling over this variety for years we were finally able to get one! She's from Meyer hatchery, so I don't expect her to be quite up to standard but I'm hoping for half decent lacing at least. We were hoping for blue, but we're limited to 6 chickens so we only got one. We were slightly disappointed when our chicks arrived and our wyandotte looked like she was probably black laced.

But i know that blue can be so dark as to look black, so I've been watching and hoping as her feathers started coming in over the last 3 weeks. View attachment 3837644View attachment 3837645View attachment 3837647After looking closely in natural light this evening I think she's a dark blue, but I'd love to hear the opinion from someone who has experience with this color.
I think she is a back
My girl is a Black laced Red Wyandotte with a straight comb
What age does the green iridescence usually start to come in on black feathers?
On my black laced red pictures in my above post, her iridescent showed at 15weeks. Maybe a little sooner. If in the sun when she was younger you could see it but at 15 weeks it was visible all the time
Hi all! After drooling over this variety for years we were finally able to get one! She's from Meyer hatchery, so I don't expect her to be quite up to standard but I'm hoping for half decent lacing at least. We were hoping for blue, but we're limited to 6 chickens so we only got one. We were slightly disappointed when our chicks arrived and our wyandotte looked like she was probably black laced.

But i know that blue can be so dark as to look black, so I've been watching and hoping as her feathers started coming in over the last 3 weeks. View attachment 3837644View attachment 3837645View attachment 3837647After looking closely in natural light this evening I think she's a dark blue, but I'd love to hear the opinion from someone who has experience with this color.
She looks like a blue to me ive gotten ones from meyer begore mine where males at the time sadly dogs killed them before i got to use them this was mine from 2015 not sure how there stock is now

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