Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

NO WAY! Can you get them back???? Have you tried????/ I am so sorry.
Do you recommend Meyers? I purchased my first chickens (white wyandottes) from someone showing at the Raleigh State Fair, but he lives 5 hours away from me, otherwise I would so purchase pullets from him again! I'd love to get some chicks so they know me from the beginning, and I would loved to get some with color. I love how friendly and docile they are so far, I want to make sure I stick with a friendly breed!
Do you recommend Meyers? I purchased my first chickens (white wyandottes) from someone showing at the Raleigh State Fair, but he lives 5 hours away from me, otherwise I would so purchase pullets from him again! I'd love to get some chicks so they know me from the beginning, and I would loved to get some with color. I love how friendly and docile they are so far, I want to make sure I stick with a friendly breed!
i don't recommend any hatchery birds, if you intend to breed quality... they're good starter birds, or if you want a variety for a laying flock, but IMO no hatchery has good quality anything. they're not breeding for quality, but quantity.(again IMO)
Meyers are a joy to work with. The high school ordered 300 chicks. They all was healthy and lively. All lived but 3 ( including the 15 extra). And good customer service. They are good about replacing lost birds and such.
NO WAY!  Can you get them back????  Have you tried????/  I am so sorry. :hugs
the guy passed through here from ohio. He was at FFA convention and was going back to georgia. No way to get them back... he didnt even argue with her when she gave them to him( i wouldn't of either). I made her pay me the diffrence(30 bucks).. talked to foley. All he has is blrw pullets for 100. Do not have the money now. And supposed to be getting my blrw bantams soon. So bleh. Atleast I have my big black laced roo. He is turning out perfrctly( IMO) The pullet has good type. Just hope the offspring will have good lacing
Quote: Want some chicks? I could part with a few if you want to buy some. I have all the Splash sold tomorrow.... well most of them, not sure how many she will get, I have 8 splash right now and more hatching but I took my ad off CL. I am going to keep everything I hatch from here on out, except what I have sold already. PM me if you want to get some replacements.

2 of the BLRW have gone broody
So tempted to give them chicks..... but I need to break them really, I need the eggs.
Regarding the Meyer birds - I got three BLRW this summer.,one splash, one light blue & one really nice deep blue. Only one has a correct comb (the splash), the other two have single combs. They're nice little additions to my flock, but I was disappointed in that. I'll be getting my next ones from a breeder.
hatcheries may be great people to deal with when doing business, but for the QUALITY of a bird (how close to the breed standard is it?), you're better off with a breeder.

hatcheries are in it to make money. they use the birds that lay the best and hatch the best, not what looks the best. breeding top quality birds rarely makes anyone money LOL

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