Blue laced red Wyandotte variety Splash versus splash lace red


In the Brooder
Dec 8, 2018
So on Facebook I'm part of one of those Facebook pages for blue laced red wyandottes and a couple of things were going on that I'm curious about and maybe somebody on here can answer my questions one they were saying that they're trying to get the APA to recognize the blue laced red Wyandotte like they recognize this silver lace and The Gold Lace. Does anyone know why this has not taken place? I was thinking because to get a blue laced red Wyandotte you have to mate a black lace red Wyandotte And a Splash to get the blue lace red. A blue laced red and a blue lace red gives you all three variations blue black and splash. But with a black and a splash you get all blue a splash in a splash against splash a black and a black you get a black. Now I don't know much about the APA but is this the reason why they have not considered the blue laced red Wyandotte to be a APA recognized?

Also on Facebook I saw a debate on calling a blue laced red Wyandotte Splash variety versus calling it a splash laced red Wyandotte is there a difference in between these two terms because I'm thinking any bird that is a splash is a white bird with a splash of color and this case the dark mahogany. So if you were to say Splash laced red are you saying it's a red bird with a splash of white? What is the correct terminology of blue laced red Wyandotte with a variety label Splash or would you call it the splash laced red which is correct and which is not and why?
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That has nothing to do with why they aren't a recognized variety. (If they aren't) there are many breeds that are recognized in blue and black and some also in splash.
You can go to the APA website and it has the info on what it takes to get a new breed or variety approved.
It is a lengthy process and not an easy one. It takes dedicated breeders to go through the steps to get it done and I assume it is still in the process but all the requirements haven't been met as of yet.
Probably like most things. Too many people waiting around for someone else to put in the work.
As for what to call it my vote is splash laced red. With the APA varieties are what they call the different colors/patterns so Blue laced red, black laced red and splash laced reds would all be varieties of wyandottes. It wouldn't make sense trying to call it a variety of the blue laced red. Then you'd be talking a variety of a variety which isn't how the APA would see it.
As for facebook. That's the last place I'd go looking for correct information or people that know what they're talking about.
I wasn't looking for information on there I am just part of a page to see pretty blue laced red wyandottes and that debate came up and I was trying to understand each side of the debate and what would be correct. Thank you. I understand what you are saying about the varieties. So Wyandotte is the umbrella and Under the Umbrella you have silver , gold, blue lace red ,black lace red, Splash lace red........ am I understanding you correctly
Wyandotte is the breed. GL, SL, BLR etc are the varieties of that breed.
Its broke down that way for showing.
When you show it starts with the groups broke into varieties so you show in that variety. Then it moves up to breeds so then all the variety winners show against each other to win breed.
So if all three BLR, BLR and SLR were to be accepted each one would be shown as its own variety under the Wyandotte breed.
It would make any sense or work as a SLR to be a variety of a variety of a breed.

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