Blue or Black cochin banty roo?????


May 8, 2015
I have a cochin banty roo that I got from my feed store (he was soo tiny, smaller than he should have been for a banty, plus he was the last chick and was stuck with a bunch of ducklings, so I got him) The lady who sold him to us thought he was going to die. When he was still a chick he would have seizures when he got stressed. Anyways, he was sold to us as a black frizzle cochin banty. They didn't know the gender yet. And he didn't frizzle. But as he got older he started looking more grey than black, and now I'm starting to think he is just a plain blue cochin banty roo, but idk. What do u people think??
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Has he had any seizures since you have him.? I think he is a real cutie and it looks like he is changing over to blue - which is a very appealing color. I wonder about the lady you got him from. She thought he was going to die, he had seizures and yet she still charged $$ for him. Seems to me , she should be very grateful he got a home and should have given him to you.

Frizzle is something you can see in the feathers early on - I think this woman isn't very experienced. There may be reasons for seizures too, were her birds well cared for, wormed, no lice or mites, fed quality food etc. His upbringing and even care of the hen that laid his egg can all come in to play - maybe things were lacking from the start and he is lucky to be a survivor.

I hope he does well for you. I think he will blossom in his new environment
I got him from my 'local' feed store (it's about 45 min away) and the feed store bought them from a hatchery. I got him when he was only about 3 or 4 days old and he may have had a few seizures while at the store. He hasn't had a seizure in quite a while. He is about a year old now. The lady almost gave him to us for free. She said if he died we could get our money back. But he wasn't directly from that lady, he was from a hatchery. The lady actually seemed to know quite a bit about birds and owns 10 herself. But like I said, my roo was from a hatchery, not from her.

And birds can change from color to color??

And she didn't think he was going to frizzle, she said it is just a gene mutation and only a few will actually frizzle.

And please don't think she is inexperienced or doesn't take good care of birds, because she just worked at the place that was selling the chicks, she didn't actually own him. She had to charge us for him because we got him from a store, and you kinda have to pay at stores...

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