Blue or Pink?


8 Years
Jul 12, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
We got 4 new "girls" the end of May. This one I'm not so sure about. First of all we thought that they (this one and one other) were to be standard Cochins. I'm thinking now that they must be bantams because the other two girls, one EE and one Brahma are much bigger. No biggie if they are. Anyway, what do you think? We are 7 weeks old and are getting little wattles, more so than the other Cochin. Never having had a Cochin, I'm not sure if this is normal?

Full grown cochin bantams would be about the same size as your birds are at 7 weeks. I think it's just the fact they are slow growers. They take a year to reach their full size. She's a beautiful colour and looking like a girl. She looks like a sweetheart.
pullet, large breed not bantam. Like JaeG said, large breed cochins are very slow growers.
Pullet. She's going to be a large, stately lady when she matures
Full grown cochin bantams would be about the same size as your birds are at 7 weeks. I think it's just the fact they are slow growers. They take a year to reach their full size. She's a beautiful colour and looking like a girl. She looks like a sweetheart.
Thanks! She is very sweet and loves to be cuddled. BTW our family visited NZ last year and loved it!
Full grown cochin bantams would be about the same size as your birds are at 7 weeks. I think it's just the fact they are slow growers. They take a year to reach their full size. She's a beautiful colour and looking like a girl. She looks like a sweetheart.
She is a big sweetheart! Thanks for the info!

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