Blue Pearl vs. Saxony Runner - genetics question


9 Years
Sep 1, 2010
I love the look of the Butterscotch Call and Saxony breed, but do not want Call ducks nor do I want a breed as large as a Saxony.

A couple of years ago, I'd contacted Dave Holderread, who lives a couple hours south of me, as I'd seen Saxony Runners among his offerings, but he had just sold his last pair as he was in the process of winnowing down his stock to someone (for way more than I was willing to pay anyhow).

So, I did run across someone who sells Blue Pearl Runners. It appears that the drakes look fairly close to the Butterscotch/calls; however, the females are a modified Trout Runner (wild-type mallard). I currently have what appear to be a pair of khaki (more of a fawn color, but with no white) runners from Dave. I'm wondering if I could attempt to recreate the Saxony Runner from the runners I have and the Blue Pearl Runners from Sand Hill.

Alternately, if anyone here is breeding any of Dave's old Salxony Runners please let me know, especially if you are in the northwest.

Hi! Where are you? I'm in South-west Washington, and here are some pictures of my blue-trout and saxony runners! I've been selling hatching eggs, but will be hatching for myself in May and June, and would be happy to hatch a few extra for you if you are interested.

PM me if you'd like to come see them..........
PS, where did you find a photo of a "blue pearl"? I saw those available on Sandhill's website, but no photo. I almost ordered them just because I'm dying of curiosity. I immagine them to be a blue dusky maybe???
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I'm in Columbia County in the Scappoose/Warren area, so pretty much due west of you (at least if you had a small aircraft or a boat). It's good to know you have what I'm looking for. Are you pretty dedicated to breeding these for a while?

We currently have 4 Welsh Harlequins and a trio of buff runners (I think that's what they are after a little more research). I was on the verge of getting rid of the Harlequins, but they finally started to lay again. We got them last year and they were really flighty all last year to the point of piling on each other when we went into their pen; but, have finally calmed down, so I'm inclined to keep these until they are aged out.

But, you do have what I am looking for, so I definitely want to stay in touch. When we're ready for a new batch of ducks I know where to get them.

I left a private message. If you see this, please contact me as I am in purchasing Saxony Runners from you this spring.
Well, I'm sending in my order today for the Runner Duck Assortment from Sand Hill Preservation, since I don't think I'll hear back at this point. I should be able to cross to Trout (simplest), Buff or All Fawn ducks to get the light phase gene to make the Saxony (Apricot Trout). Now I just have to hope Sand Hill honors my request to include enough Blue Pearls (which I suspect are Greys with the addition of the blue gene) to get started. Even better, I'm hoping what they mean by "off color" are one or two that are homozygous for the blue gene. That would be a good start to getting to the Saxony. It should be an interesting project.

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