Blue Poo?


Mar 14, 2016
I have 12 coturnix hens and 3 roos in my aviary and last night discovered 2 piles of blue poop. Everyone looks healthy but I've never heard of this.
Any ideas? I'd love to post a picture but uploading pix is disabled on Android with no indication that it will be fixed.
They have access to a berry.bush that has black skin and ruby red flesh. I thought of that but haven't seen the blue-goo before.
I gave my chickens a purple cabbage once and they left little neon blue/purple droppings in the yard. Roasted barley (or spent brewing grains more specifically) make for a dark brown/black color. Grass definitely leaves a green hue. I feel like things pass through chickens quickly enough to retain their colors. I'm guessing it's the berries.

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