Blue Roo x Buff Hen would make what color peeps?


Trigger Pullet
11 Years
Mar 27, 2009
I have eggs in the Bator from my Blue Cochin Roo and my Buff Cochin hen. I had some from my black Cochin hen in there too, but NONE from her were fertile. Does anyone have pictures of what these little guys may look like. I cant find any example pictures anywhere on the internet! I figured maybe someone on here has done it before?
Just gives me one more thing to wait on the edge of my seat for I guess.
This is the result of my blue red laced wyandotte roo mating to one of my new hampshire hens: (I know its not a blue over buff)


He has the rose comb of his daddy and some blue from his daddy and has more red from his momma. Colors definitely differs but I just love showing this little guy. We was holding him today and he just sat in our arms and went to sleep while we were petting him.

I am no good at genetics. Good luck on your hatch.

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