BO AND EE thoughts


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 29, 2014
My Coop
My Coop
Hey everyone! Next week i am getting in 2 buff orpington and 2 easter egger chicks to add to the flock. What do you guys think? What are yalls opinions about those chickens? Explain and then over all rate, great, good, so so, bad, ugly
I don't have Buff Orpingtons, but I do have an Easter Egger. In my experience, EE's are gentle, but can be a little too submissive (my other birds are dominant over my Easter Egger) and get picked on by other chickens. My EE lays well, with about 6 eggs a week in the summer, so if you're looking for egg production, you'll enjoy EE. Easter Eggers come in a wide range of colors, so you never really know what you're going to get. My EE isn't noisy, except after laying-- otherwise, she makes quieter noises than my other birds.

Overall, I'd rate the Easter Egger as a "good" chicken. My Easter Egger doesn't have quite the personality of my Wyandottes, being less personable and inquisitive.

These are both great layers, especially the BO's. Excellent layers and friendly birds as well. BO's are great dual purpose, great for the meat as well!

Welcome to our flock and enjoy your new additions!
I don't have Buff Orpingtons, but I do have an Easter Egger. In my experience, EE's are gentle, but can be a little too submissive (my other birds are dominant over my Easter Egger) and get picked on by other chickens. My EE lays well, with about 6 eggs a week in the summer, so if you're looking for egg production, you'll enjoy EE. Easter Eggers come in a wide range of colors, so you never really know what you're going to get. My EE isn't noisy, except after laying-- otherwise, she makes quieter noises than my other birds.

Overall, I'd rate the Easter Egger as a "good" chicken. My Easter Egger doesn't have quite the personality of my Wyandottes, being less personable and inquisitive.

My EEs were the opposite, they both held the highest ranks, one of them was the flock leader. None of them were mean too.
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Some of my EE pullets and roo getting ready for nap time

EE chicken's are great for green, blue, pink egg's but are a tremendous
pain as they like to land on your shoulders and very affectionate to the
point of being a pain in the back side and always underfoot ...

I am trying to find something good to say about them but just cant find
the words that best describe them ......

But for a non human aggressive chicken they are alright I guess but I
only have 16 of them and have hade EE chickens fore about 7 years now ..

Oh they are great predator bait, but what chicken isn't .....

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Buff Orps go broody quite a bit and their laying isn't the greatest compared to the sex links, but they are popular for dual-purpose. I find them to be a bit whiny and clingy. I have switched to Black Australorps. You will get plenty of eggs from them, most likely.

Easter Eggers range from flighty and standoffish to very friendly and sweet. They are low on the pecking order and can be bullied by sex links from my experience. I love them and don't want to be without some in my flock. They are pretty decent layers but are not prolific layers.

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