Board Demographics

Female ,29, Domestic Goddess, Married

10 yr old daughter
8 yr old son
3 rescued cats
1 tarantula
10 pullets (black stars, red stars, blue wyandottes, and barred rocks)
2 cockerels (barred rock, blue wyandotte)
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Female, will be 29 in two weeks

Never married (with no intentions to ever get married)

no children yet

2 horses

42 chickens

10 cats (counting the strays I feed and vaccinate)

two dogs (6 if you count the whole family)
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Female, will be 29 in two weeks

Never married (with no intentions to ever get married)

no children yet

2 horses

42 chickens

10 cats (counting the strays I feed and vaccinate)

two dogs (6 if you count the whole family)

And for contrast to my friend, Kristy:
Male, 70+.
Married forever to the Princess (48 + years)
1 son, 1 daughter, their spouses and 5 grandchildren
100 + pigeons (have to get chickens)
1 very FERAL cat - 'scaredycat'
12 beagles, 4 beagle pups, 1 golden teen age dog daughter
Female, 58 and counting, domestic goddess farmer mother of 5, turned college grad graphics technician after dumping the ex.
Oh... the HIS? He's a sweetheart who found me 12 years ago, pursued me relentlessly, and we've been shacking up ever since. The chickens are the techy city boy's retirement project. They keep him busy and, trust me, that is no small feat.
Single 42 yr female, never married, no 2 legged kids, just a Belgian Tervuren, Pitbull, and an Aussie/Aussie. Vet tech by trade and passion.
36, (though mentally I feel about 20. Wish my body did
married to a wonderful man for 14 1/2 years,
2 daughters, 12 and 9
lots of pets - cats, dogs, bird, bunny, goats, sheep, fish, and of course chickens!
stay at home mom, except when I sporadically work for the school district as a substitute aid.
35YO single male, never married (36 in June).
No human children.
1 Amazona oratrix serving as my surrogate child, who turns 21 next month.
Current occupation -- student and waiter, eventually to become clinical psychologist.
Poultry can't happen until I buy a home with land.

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