Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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Have you seen Frank Reese's? He has White sports from Golda Miller's black line and he has had them for 50 yeas. Here is a picture form his facebook page.

I was JUST speaking with a Black Giant breeder friend yesterday about Whites - he's got some coming from G. Donnelly - supposed to very nice.

There are not a lot of good whites out there; there are a couple of folks on BYC breeding them, but the lines are not very good in my humble opinion. I do have a breeder friend in Oregon who had put together a group of folks to breed the whites...that was last year, not sure how they're doing now.

I think, from a general viewpoint, the whites need lots of work. I'm glad to see there are a few folks comitted to working on them!
Hear ye! Hear ye! and bla bla bla....... Now for the good stuff...

I have a book recommendation. It was recommended to me by a fellow fancier, Dave K, who is often lurking around these threads. It was gifted to him, and he scanned a few pages for me to read and sent them off in an e-mail. I found them very informative and decided to find myself a copy. Help was given on this thread and a friend of mine tracked it down for me. It is a book self-published in Britain by a British fancier and poultry geneticist, Dr. W. C. Carefoot. It is entitled Creative Poultry Breeding .

Well, I procured a copy and read it from cover to cover. I am happy to recommend it to our community. The first third or so offers many suggestions that are helpful. The second part of the book, though, is the real heart of it. He provides an excellent primer on poultry genetics. It is really quite thorough and yet thoroughly digestible. Moreover, it has the qualities of a work that is replete with personal experience. Although it is not an exhaustive work on genetics, it is an excellent bridge for those of us that don't come from a genetics background and yet recognize the necessity of coming to a stronger understanding thereof in order to deepen our breeding practice.

I'd recommend this book to folks who:
  1. have a general understanding of the SOP and are basically familiar with the various breeds and color patterns contained therein.
  2. have, perhaps, bred a season or two such that they are familiar with the basic rhythm of selection and who are convinced of the necessity thereof.
  3. folks who have decided on a breed and variety or, perhaps, two, and who are desirous of truly understanding how it all works, especially if it involves a parti-colored bird where the understanding of specific genetic tendencies are required for long-term success (Wynette, read Silver pencilled Rocks; YFOR, read Columbian Rocks, etc...)
  4. have come to a general understanding of what's needed to get the birds there but need a kick in the pants to apply the discipline needed to get the results desired (Yellow House Farm, are you reading this?!)

To get the book:
You can't get it off of amazon. The only way I know of to get it is to contact Veronica Mayhew, a private poultry bookseller from Britain: [email protected]. She uses a paypal system. It costs, including shipping from Britain, just over $50.00, it's 193 pages long, and is full of very helpful charts. Again, this is an excellent primer for us Liberal Arts types who need an uncomplicated, step-by-step bridge text into genetics and the science of inheritance.

Bonne lecture! Good reading!
I have it too, it a must for every serious breeder get a copy and read it again and again.
Does anyone know where a person can get the top Black Jersey Giants this spring eggs or chicks. I have two people who want them?

Glad to see the above posts I thought the tread had died. bob
Does anyone know where a person can get the top Black Jersey Giants this spring eggs or chicks. I have two people who want them?

Glad to see the above posts I thought the tread had died. bob

Maria Hall in southern Indiana has some of the better ones around here. She also breeds top quality Newfoundlands too. Very nice lady.
Does anyone know where a person can get the top Black Jersey Giants this spring eggs or chicks. I have two people who want them?

Glad to see the above posts I thought the tread had died. bob

Bob, I don't think this thread will EVER die. It may get slow from time to time but spring is almost hear and I think everybody is itchy to be outside! Especially after that arctic winter!

I have put in a formal request for the above mentioned book for my birthday coming up in May. I better get it too!

Hee, hee, Hee...I wonder what Ms. Mayhew will think when orders come pouring in for this book.
As I remember, she publishs them in small runs. Blame it on BYC!

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