Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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New request for old time chickens Silver Capines? Do you know anyone who has the best or next to the best other that hatcheries stock?

If it was Golden I think Art Lundgren had some that was on Champion Row last year. He took this old line and breed them up but he is a master breeder.

Let me know. Thank you. bob

I had some Red Necks over today and they liked my Chickens. I saw the fancy folks today at the eatery I ate at. Had some of the best Crawfish Bisk I ever ate out side Louisiana.
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New request for old time chickens Silver Capines? Do you know anyone who has the best or next to the best other that hatcheries stock?

If it was Golden I think Art Lundgren had some that was on Champion Row last year. He took this old line and breed them up but he is a master breeder.

Let me know. Thank you. bob

I had some Red Necks over today and they liked my Chickens. I saw the fancy folks today at the eatery I ate at. Had some of the best Crawfish Bisk I ever ate out side Louisiana.

Urch has some decent ones. I ended up with what is looking like a decent pair from him.

They do need work but are missing some of the most common faults I see in that variety.
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New request for old time chickens Silver Capines? Do you know anyone who has the best or next to the best other that hatcheries stock?

If it was Golden I think Art Lundgren had some that was on Champion Row last year. He took this old line and breed them up but he is a master breeder.

Let me know. Thank you. bob

I had some Red Necks over today and they liked my Chickens. I saw the fancy folks today at the eatery I ate at. Had some of the best Crawfish Bisk I ever ate out side Louisiana.

debs_flock in Northern California has both Silver and Golden Campines
You guys STOP IT!!!! You're making me want ANOTHER BREED!!! I've got a yard full o' dorkings. I will not add another breed. I will not. I will not. I will not!!!!!

Here is one of those Black Hamburgs I had. I wish I had kept them now that Don Krahe has passed.

Nice bird! As well as the feather width you can see she's got good width & depth of body. Too bad about Don. lost a great breeder & a genuinely nice man. Clerked with him a couple of times years ago & learned a lot about Sebright, Hamburgs & call Ducks.
Thanks for the tips on this new request on Silver Capines and I sent a link of this to the person who wants to breed them. She sounds like she is of right age and state of mind to take on this challenge and this is what keeps me going on these projects.

As one of my Mentors once told me Many are Called but Few are Chosen and see this more than ever before. . How right he was.

Just want to let the beginner know when you ask for such a rare breed don't thing they are going to look like the pictures that excited you in the catalogs or where ever you saw them. Many of these old breeds have been put in the back burner by many people and they are in a bad state of affairs. Do to lake of interest in them or the difficulty to breed them for color. We do the best we can to help you locate them then its up to you to go out and try to get some. Most important issue is if a breeder want to share them with you is are you really serious and will do good with them. Most of the beginners will be out of these rare breeds in less than two year. They hop from frying pan to fry pan on all breeds. They are chicken collectors and some cases they are out of chickens in five years.

First thing you want to ask a good breeder of rare fowl is this: I am interested in this breed of fowl. How could you help me obtain a good breeding pair or trio of your strain.

The breeder then will tell you if he will have any extra birds worthy to put together for breeding for you and how he can get them to you.]]

Do not call him up in July and say can I buy some hatching eggs from you. Right off the bad he know you are a backyard egg person who in his or her mind know you don't get hatching eggs from any breeder in July the birds are not in breeding pens. These people think that we breeders have our chickens in a big chicken pen like you do your feed store chickens.

Don't ask for chicks in July the post office in most areas don't let us ship after 85 degrees of heat at least in the south .

Ask the breeder if he knows anyone who may have birds in your region he or she might have sold some to someone who you could contact;

Many times the breeder may be showing at a major show and you can go and meet him and pick them up or if a friend is showing or visiting the show you could have them bring them home. We did this once on the Colombian Plymouth Rocks from Canada to Indiana to North Carolina to Georgia. I call this net working and it worked perfectly.

So these are some tips you use your head and speak with intelligence and not backyard logic and you can get these old breeds. You may make some mistakes and get stuff that are junk that you think was to be good but do your home work. Many of the good breeders to not email or text ect so be patient with them. Some are working and don't have time to fool with us so respect their wishes and if they like you they will help you. Hope this helps you beginners who I am trying to help. You have to understand I don't know all the chickens out there because of where I live. I read the poultry Press and see the pictures of the breeds. Also, the APA year book should show who has won with these breeds and who advertise these old breeds. I know a lot of judges and they see the birds at the shows they judge. bob

just sent my $20 dollars to the APA for the year book took 50 seconds by pay pal. Join today.
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