Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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At the end of the day its up to the breeders, but the Standard does give the purpose of the breed if a person decides not to follow guidelines at the expense of performance, no one can do anything about that. For some reason it is annoying to me when people say they don't known anything yet give sage advice and opinions about something they know little about.

At the end of the day its up to the breeders, but the Standard does give the purpose of the breed if a person decides not to follow guidelines at the expense of performance, no one can do anything about that. For some reason it is annoying to me when people say they don't known anything yet give sage advice and opinions about something they know little about.


I have bred chickens for a good part of the last half century, steady for the past 17 years. The only advice I gave had to do with what I know to be true, believe to be true and stand behind and absolutely not one single thing to do with what I don’t.

Since I have expressed my willingness to correction, but have not been given any and you seem to be conceding that I am correct in my assertions I can only surmise that the issue you took with my choice of comparison has nothing to do with my knowledge or lack of knowledge or incorrect advice, but everything to do with your personal dislike of my way of explaining things and perhaps, I’m going to go out on a limb, suspect that you just don’t care for me in general.

I have always taken the approach that a wise man appreciates correction and if there is one thing, anything, that I need to be corrected about in the advice I gave I would be more than happy to be enlightened. It’s all about learning and sharing as far as I’m concerned.
Walt and w. has more to do with how rushed I am, but you may call me Mr Leonard. What is HRIR? There is no official position on bantams being considered heritage or not. "Heritage" is just a buzz word used online and it is never used in the real poultry community. If you want to be sure everyone knows your are a newbie use "heritage" often and attach it to any breed you think is heritage.

Mr Leonard
Mr. Leonard, I AM a newbie, make no bones about being a newbie, and generally if I don't know something you are one of 3 to 5 people I will listen to with minimal "ear for bias" on BYC. I tease my favorite people, sorry if I bothered you too much; it's often perilous for me to be in a good mood online. If there is no official position on any bantams being considered heritage (I've been going off for LF starting points), then that's that. I am still questing to decide what's going to adorn my yard beyond the (H.eritage (line))R.hode I.sland R.ed . It should be enough, I suppose, to say Production RIR and RIR would mean the bred to SOP undiluted stuff... but BYC and most other forums like it exist *because* there are new people (all of us of the digital age) ... and honestly, most of us have no notion where to get information anywhere else. For me, this is a good place to start. I'm trying to make real world connections as well; going to go visit a gentleman 40m N of me who is locally famous for his capons tomorrow with my 3yr old daughter and mom in tow. Have visited a few times with a lovely woman in Poulsbo who specializes in a very few English/Old World breeds... But I like to double check things here, 'cause the face to face world is just as full of misinformation as the web, it just doesn't need emoticons...
I have bred chickens for a good part of the last half century, steady for the past 17 years. The only advice I gave had to do with what I know to be true, believe to be true and stand behind and absolutely not one single thing to do with what I don’t.

Since I have expressed my willingness to correction, but have not been given any and you seem to be conceding that I am correct in my assertions I can only surmise that the issue you took with my choice of comparison has nothing to do with my knowledge or lack of knowledge or incorrect advice, but everything to do with your personal dislike of my way of explaining things and perhaps, I’m going to go out on a limb, suspect that you just don’t care for me in general.

I have always taken the approach that a wise man appreciates correction and if there is one thing, anything, that I need to be corrected about in the advice I gave I would be more than happy to be enlightened. It’s all about learning and sharing as far as I’m concerned.

You can slice this or perceive this anyway you like. You are educated, so you sound like you know what you are talking about, but to my ear you say things that no real poultry breeder would say......take my word for it as I'm not rehashing any of this. Maybe you can post pictures of your breeding accomplishments.

Lastly it is not personal, as I don't know you or anything about you and the way folks come across online is not necessarily how they would come across face to face. Again...I'm done bring on the pictures.

You can slice this or perceive this anyway you like. You are educated, so you sound like you know what you are talking about, but to my ear you say things that no real poultry breeder would say......take my word for it as I'm not rehashing any of this. Maybe you can post pictures of your breeding accomplishments.

Lastly it is not personal, as I don't know you or anything about you and the way folks come across online is not necessarily how they would come across face to face. Again...I'm done bring on the pictures.


Mr. Walt, you’re asking me to post pictures of my breeding accomplishments why? So you can critic the pictures? That would be like me asking you to boast about your dogs accomplishments in weight pulling or personal protection. Why would I assume that that you had ever pursued such things with your dogs? I have already told you that I have not bred chickens to the SOP, it was just something I was interested in, so why would I want to post pictures of chickens for you to critique when they were not bred for that purpose?

I could post some pictures of some real purdy chickens and you could boast about how much weight your dogs had pulled? If your dogs never pulled any weight, would that mean I could critique them and devalue them because that is of interest to me? Why do you assume that since your interest lie in a certain aspect of keeping or breeding chickens that is the only game in town?

Now I’m going to say one final thing about it too. I never said one thing to discredit the SOP or breeding toward it, but if you must; the breeding techniques I commented on may go back possibly two thousand years and the SOP has been around how long? Apples and oranges. I’ll try to keep any advice I lend concise so as not to annoy you and I apologize if I have. Perhaps if you have any published works concerning your expert opinion I could do some studying and maybe one day breed a chicken worthy of your consideration. Then again I may just decide this dog and pony show isn’t for me after all and spend more time reading on the Easter Egger thread. That’s about all I have to say about that.

Mr. Leonard's picture is in the front of my SOP.
The APA SOP has been around since 1873. You said you bred chickens for the last half century......whatever that means......generally it means to some goal. That goal is performance, show/performance or ornamental. That's all.... just trying to ID your field of breeding. If you make suggestions for performance or show it is better if you have done that.

I offered advice on breeding. I'm not going to keep tying up this thread setting the record straight. It doesn't matter what my accomplishments were. If my advice was not sound I made myself available for correction. I never agreed to get into any contests to prove myself. I assume since you are not addressing my advice directly that it was correct. That is all.
I believe APA judge Rick Hare has some good ones. He's out of NY.

You're right, he does. I've seen them at his place & judged them in shows. They're as good as you'll find anywhere. I saw a pen of about 60 of his pullets one time & they looked like they came off a Xerox machine.
I offered advice on breeding. I'm not going to keep tying up this thread setting the record straight. It doesn't matter what my accomplishments were. If my advice was not sound I made myself available for correction. I never agreed to get into any contests to prove myself. I assume since you are not addressing my advice directly that it was correct. That is all.

I've watched this ongoing exchange with a sense of bewilderment. You come on this board out of nowhere, noone knows who you are or what, if anything, you've accomplished in the poultry world & for some reason you decide to pick a fight with Walt.
Walt's a Master Breeder & is regarded by many as one of the best Judges in the country. He literally has a lifetime of poultry breeding experience. In his lifetime he has had the privilege of knowing & learning from some poultry breeding legends. On this board he has helped any number of people with their breeding programs by offering culling & mating advice or helping them locate stock.
When I finished reading your posts I just wanted to ask "who the h*** do you think you are?
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