Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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Starting to prepare for my first poultry show, BCM pullets/cockerals from this years breeding, I know.......The Dels and NH are not ready yet :)

DH is going to build me some preparation cages, the birds are all out on free-range right now. I was thinking smooth plywood with a door and hardware cloth on the front and top to let light in. What are the show cage sizes? Any other ideas for structure? How long is recommended to lock them up before the show? I will set the cages in the horse barn where there is lots of activity and people walking by often.
Thanks. I did email them too. So what is a good source to find breeds that are truly endangered??? I did come across a site, redorbit saving America's old fashioned chicken, but have not had time to check them out thourghy yet. Many on here seem to point people to the ALBC site???? Which made me wonder about how current thier endangered breeds list is. Glad to hear their educational materials are worth reading.
Starting to prepare for my first poultry show, BCM pullets/cockerals from this years breeding, I know.......The Dels and NH are not ready yet

DH is going to build me some preparation cages, the birds are all out on free-range right now. I was thinking smooth plywood with a door and hardware cloth on the front and top to let light in. What are the show cage sizes? Any other ideas for structure? How long is recommended to lock them up before the show? I will set the cages in the horse barn where there is lots of activity and people walking by often.

I don't know for squat-- but when I was thinking about this, I thought that I would get some of those small wire dog crates and put them up on a piece of plywood with shavings in the bottom. I think I would also put the feed on the floor and the water in a plastic cup attached to the side (my birds would have never seen this arrangement!)

Something like this from Walmart, Craigslist, ebay, etc...

The barn hallway is a great idea, all I came up with was the garage, by the back door where we all come in and out.
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I don't know for squat-- but when I was thinking about this, I thought that I would get some of those small wire dog crates and put them up on a piece of plywood with shavings in the bottom. I think I would also put the feed on the floor and the water in a plastic cup attached to the side (my birds would have never seen this arrangement!)

Something like this from Walmart, Craigslist, ebay, etc...

The barn hallway is a great idea, all I came up with was the garage, by the back door where we all come in and out.
You need at LEAST a 2x2'x32" Tall show training coop for Large fowl. 2 x 4' is better, and necessary for males. Either purchase some real ones, or make them with smooth walls, and back, open wire top, and front. Buy some black coop cups. Use them to train, and for the show for YOUR feed and water.. Water bottles are a must for bearded, or crested breeds.It usually takes at least a couple of weeks for birds to settle, and be handled easily if they haven't been handled much. It takes a good 6 weeks to grow out wing feathers too, so check those well ahead.
I don't know for squat-- but when I was thinking about this, I thought that I would get some of those small wire dog crates and put them up on a piece of plywood with shavings in the bottom. I think I would also put the feed on the floor and the water in a plastic cup attached to the side (my birds would have never seen this arrangement!)

Something like this from Walmart, Craigslist, ebay, etc...

The barn hallway is a great idea, all I came up with was the garage, by the back door where we all come in and out.

Buy an actual show coop.
Might as well have the real thing to practice with. Some of my show coops are 75 years old,and came from the big Atlanta Poultry shows.Quality lasts forever.
It does. Mother taught me how Cheap lasts not at all and Quality lasts. Not the way she intended, but she did nonetheless.
Buy an actual show coop.

all this time ive searched and only found small coops here and there..thanks for the link..i went to lowes and built my should have been on a simpson episode, when women build.. i cut them wrong size then had to fudge them together..then had to cut them again..oh it was a mess..but somehow i managed...i want to buy some nice cages, weasle proof.not going to try that building adventure again..i can kind of make a door..
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