Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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Great advice!

Do you have the judge's test pictures for Wyandotte in your arsenal of information?
I have my SOP and make black and white pictures for comparison for type. I like the filled in silhouette too.

Had a night time visitor to the keeper pen last night. Took the head and neck off one of my saved Blue Columbian Wyandotte project cockerels. Fortunately it left my good Columbian Wyandotte pullets alone. Can't think of anything other than a skunk that would leave the carcass, but didn't know a skunk would climb over a 4 foot 2x4 inch wire fence. Going to set a trap tonight.

Sorry for your loss....Predation is such a disappointment even though it's almost a given sometimes despite all reasonable measures taken for prevention.
Nice bird !Love to see those wings up though.

As for the Barreds, the wings and the tail seem to be the nemesis of this variety. Not so for the whites or buffs...somewhat to be tied to the slow feathering and/or barring gene?
We were talking about mites a while back and I mentioned that I had some birds that were pretty badly damaged on their wings and tails. I have checked over and over but cannot find a single mite on them. They're only like this in one pen.

This is the wing of one of my bantam girls. Her tail was in similar condition. I'm wondering if this could be from mice?

Dang mice/rats are always a problem when there is food/water available. I keep a piece of this ALWAYS in the window sills (my chickens cannot get to it)$(KGrHqR,!h!E45)jF1JPBOZ9-oqT2w~~60_35.JPG

I normally buy 1 pkg a yr, cut the bars down into smaller pieces (1" - 2" pieces), and set them out where the chickens can't get to it, but the rodents can. I haven't seen any sign of a mouse/rat in quite some time
Great advice!

Do you have the judge's test pictures for Wyandotte in your arsenal of information?
I have my SOP and make black and white pictures for comparison for type. I like the filled in silhouette too.

Had a night time visitor to the keeper pen last night. Took the head and neck off one of my saved Blue Columbian Wyandotte project cockerels. Fortunately it left my good Columbian Wyandotte pullets alone. Can't think of anything other than a skunk that would leave the carcass, but didn't know a skunk would climb over a 4 foot 2x4 inch wire fence. Going to set a trap tonight.

Methods of Kill

Weasels are known to be very cunning. Their cleverness and guile makes them first class predators, and their prey is often no match to their agility. Chickens with the back of their necks and heads missing, with its intestines out and bitten at the rear are most likely victims of this wily animal. What’s interesting is that weasels kill not only for food, but also for sport. In fact, they are known to keep killing until there is nothing left to kill. Due to its slender body, these animals can easily wiggle through chicken wires, small runways, and narrow holes—making them the bane of poultry owners.
Starting a home study program on the Rhode Island Red Tread. A guy who is getting started a LURKER who has been reading this tread and the Red Thread but does not want to waist valuable time, money and energy on things such as line breeding, color on the birds and other issues that he feels beginners are deviating onto. So her is the link. My point in all of this is what I plan to teach him to do can be done on other breeds of H poultry. Just make this a simple venture and you will do just fine. It seems so many beginners are making this such a big deal yet when you get your hatchery chickens from the post office or the feed store you don't do this. You just raise them up nice think you got something good and you are happy. We got to stop making this complicated. So maybe this lesson with this guy will help a few of you. KISS. bob

post #5474 of 5478

I think I am missing something. That is a home study course I would like to take, but I don't see home study course at the link listed.
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