Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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We have California Condor on a daily basis. (No threat)
I've never seen a Turkey Vulture. Perhaps our condor and hawks have this territory covered?

They make incredible photos and the wingspan is breathtaking.
I am need of original Georgia or Alabama Turkey Vultures. They may make good sitting hens with my Silkies.? Steve or Matt 1616 any suggestions. I found some on Fish River Matt but I cant climb up in the nests to get their eggs. My knees are not good anymore and the last nest I got into was a Bald Eagle. Game Warden almost shot me.

Back to the wood shop and play with my glue. SNIFF SNIFF.

Any buddy looking for Old HERITAGE Chickens this year?
Karen, I do not need references. But you might want to provide them in your own notebook for the time when such references are required. Not here, not now, but sometime.

I asked because it is brilliantly and succinctly stated. Thanks.
Oh, Ok. Thanks for the nice words.

We have California Condor on a daily basis. (No threat)
I've never seen a Turkey Vulture. Perhaps our condor and hawks have this territory covered?

They make incredible photos and the wingspan is breathtaking.
I have seen Turkey Vultures just south of Monterey, and at the Pinnacles park (i believe that was what it was called) where I also saw Condors. Very big bird. Not many Turkey Vultures in California though. They are all in Kentucky where we run over a lot of things they find eatable.
I have seen Turkey Vultures just south of Monterey, and at the Pinnacles park (i believe that was what it was called) where I also saw Condors. Very big bird. Not many Turkey Vultures in California though. They are all in Kentucky where we run over a lot of things they find eatable.
There are tons of Turkey Vultures here in Sonoma County. There is hardly a time when I can't look outside and see some. They have never bothered anything here.

There are tons of Turkey Vultures here in Sonoma County. There is hardly a time when I can't look outside and see some. They have never bothered anything here.


We have a million in Novato (Marin County also). My neighbor has a deer decomposing in his front pasture. I imagine a car hit it and it crawled into his field to die. There have been 5-7 turkey vultures eating it at any given time over the past 2 days.

A mom stopped her car and got out to talk to the home owner telling him that her kid was disgusted by the sight of the deer getting eaten; and she was perturbed that the home owner had not disposed of the body and my neighbor replied: ":They gotta eat too and I hate seeing good meat go to waste so I suggest if you don't like the sight then don't stop your car to watch".

Gotta love him!

Sounds like you've already been into that wood glue, Bob...

Back to Heritage chickens, I'm starting to set up breeding pens for my Black Javas. It has been a near-constant state of building here since I first got chickens a couple of years ago. My neighbor saw the breeding pen lumber coming in and said, "You know, chicken and eggs are really cheap at the grocery store." I just stared at him. "How much do you spend on that useless dog of yours?" I asked. "At least I have a hobby that gives me some food in return." Maybe I shouldn't have said that. I need to borrow his post-hole digger...

Sounds like you've already been into that wood glue, Bob...

Back to Heritage chickens, I'm starting to set up breeding pens for my Black Javas. It has been a near-constant state of building here since I first got chickens a couple of years ago. My neighbor saw the breeding pen lumber coming in and said, "You know, chicken and eggs are really cheap at the grocery store." I just stared at him. "How much do you spend on that useless dog of yours?" I asked. "At least I have a hobby that gives me some food in return." Maybe I shouldn't have said that. I need to borrow his post-hole digger...


Man, I am so sick of trying to explain to people why I would "waste" time and money on chickens, gardens, etc. The last few weeks have been just full of obnoxious people asking me stupid questions like, making snide comments and giving sneering looks. Another reason I live in the country. Sheesh.
My DH decided that I was spending too much money on my chickens....

DH (looking at the 12 chicks in the brooder that weren't there yesterday)

"How much did those chickens COST?"

Me (Not truning to look at him)

"Well, they were a dollar each and there are twelve of them, so..... $12, How many rifles and game cameras do we own?"

He walked away without answering.

Another time, he decided that the chickens take too much of my time.

DH - "If you are not out at the chicken coop, you are sitting in front of the computer, reading about chickens!"

Me - "You're right, I need a new hobby. I've been thinking of taking up 'bar-hopping', would you like that better?"

He again walked away without answering.......poor man..........
My DH decided that I was spending too much money on my chickens....

DH (looking at the 12 chicks in the brooder that weren't there yesterday)

"How much did those chickens COST?"

Me (Not truning to look at him)

"Well, they were a dollar each and there are twelve of them, so..... $12, How many rifles and game cameras do we own?"

He walked away without answering.

Another time, he decided that the chickens take too much of my time.

DH - "If you are not out at the chicken coop, you are sitting in front of the computer, reading about chickens!"

Me - "You're right, I need a new hobby. I've been thinking of taking up 'bar-hopping', would you like that better?"

He again walked away without answering.......poor man..........
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