Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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Officially jealous. What a fantastic set up. I love the locks. Great way to save $. I cannot believe how expensive hardware gets.
It cost enough for the hinges, so I thought I could cut some costs that addition the ground moves here and locks change position during the year and don't line up for half of the year. I have four of the 8X8X4 batteries of 4 pens each. I decided a while back that I was going to make everything so that I could walk upright going into them.

It cost enough for the hinges, so I thought I could cut some costs that addition the ground moves here and locks change position during the year and don't line up for half of the year. I have four of the 8X8X4 batteries of 4 pens each. I decided a while back that I was going to make everything so that I could walk upright going into them.


Ha I think the topic here is flexibility huh?LOL the latches are for the flexing ground and upright entryways are for the not so flexible joints LOL I get ya there I have learned to make things easily accessible and more convenient in my maturing years too. With time comes wisdom they say. Sometimes I don't know/or think I've been here long enough yet?

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It cost enough for the hinges, so I thought I could cut some costs that addition the ground moves here and locks change position during the year and don't line up for half of the year. I have four of the 8X8X4 batteries of 4 pens each. I decided a while back that I was going to make everything so that I could walk upright going into them.

I'm with you Walt. Darned if I want to play Quasi Moto ! Something all you younger people need to think about. It's important to have accessible coops and runs.
Love the built-ins. What size are they?
The cages on the wall are: 2 ft wide and deep and 30" tall. Two are 48" wide, 24" Deep and 30" tall. These are training/conditioning cages. I show a lot of white birds, so I need a place to keep them clean. the The top rows are solid bottoms to hold shavings and the bottom cages have wire bottoms.

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I'm with you Walt. Darned if I want to play Quasi Moto ! Something all you younger people need to think about. It's important to have accessible coops and runs.
I had 4 foot tall cages for over 30 years, that is long enough....... now I see how nice it feels to walk into them upright. There is a point when savings need to take a backseat in favor of comfort. If I knew what I know now I would have started with 8ft tall structures. I am packing up 34 birds to take to a show tomorrow and I can do all of it standing up.


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