Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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I'd cheerfully snatch that second pullet, and I wonder if #1 is not her also, or a sister. Wow !

Good eye! Yes, they are at least half sisters. They come out of a pen with a strong cock on three different hens. So, I'm not sure of their dam.

Washing question: I wash them, rinse them, and them put them in fabric softener. Do I rinse out the fabric softener? Or do I just let them dry?
This is normal for people who are this web site if you polled 1,000 people about wing banding they would say heavens no. You would have to inject them first with Lidocain ilk the dentist does in your mouth before having your teeth worked on and half of them would say no to toe punching.

I once read in a old poultry book from the 1940s when it came to caponizing a male bird their brains are built in such a way they did not feel the pain. I ignored this as I have no need to caponize but maybe there is something to that in the make up of the fowl pain or brain mechanize. Biggest problems for folks converting over to Standard Breed Chickens and they way we do things is they do not know that this is the methods that has been done for over 100 years by the very people that developed these old breeds.

These folks are farmers. They don't give their steers or pigs sedatives or pain killers before they castrated them or dehorned them. To many people treat farm animials like humans. You should hear people talk about me on my inbreeding sons back to mothers and daughters back to fathers. They think I am that bad guy from Germany in the 1940s.

Yes the Cochins are a lovey bird. I never owned any but I know a guy who has about 20 of the females for sitting hens for his Peacock flock in the mid west. He puts the eggs under the sitting hens for ten days then puts his fertile eggs in his Lehy wooden incubators. All this work but he gets a 20% improved hatch.

Walt Mr. Art Manly was the king of Cochins in the old days on the West Coast. NUFF SAID
One of the worst words ever coined is the word humane. To equate the two is to devalue one and raise the stature of the other. You can't just do one, because as a consequence you change the position of the other.
I am certainly against poor or negligent treatment of anything. I even try to keep my plants alive and thriving. I just think it is irrational to insert human thoughts and emotions into an animals mind. They feel pain. It is different though, and they do not feel sorry for themselves like we do.
Good eye! Yes, they are at least half sisters. They come out of a pen with a strong cock on three different hens. So, I'm not sure of their dam.

Washing question: I wash them, rinse them, and them put them in fabric softener. Do I rinse out the fabric softener? Or do I just let them dry?
Yes, make sure you put them in the fabric softener. LOL.
Good eye! Yes, they are at least half sisters. They come out of a pen with a strong cock on three different hens. So, I'm not sure of their dam.

Washing question: I wash them, rinse them, and them put them in fabric softener. Do I rinse out the fabric softener? Or do I just let them dry?
Rinse them after using the fabric softener. You don't want too much of it to remain on the feathers!
Good eye! Yes, they are at least half sisters. They come out of a pen with a strong cock on three different hens. So, I'm not sure of their dam.

Washing question: I wash them, rinse them, and them put them in fabric softener. Do I rinse out the fabric softener? Or do I just let them dry?
Rinse the fabric softener out . They will smell nice too ! Don't use too much. A 1/3 capful to a big tub, or sink, is plenty.
Buff Rock pullet at almost 14 weeks...Big girl still getting her new adult tail in of course...too busy grazing to get a profile photo which would be misleading without a tail anyway. Just figured I'd post up a pic for the thread today

Nice looking pullet Cindy. I had some Buffs years ago but they looked nothing like that one, maybe the color was pretty much the same but not the size for sure.

Buff Rock pullet at almost 14 weeks...Big girl still getting her new adult tail in of course...too busy grazing to get a profile photo which would be misleading without a tail anyway. Just figured I'd post up a pic for the thread today

Thanks for the picture. I would love to see one of her brothers pictures side ways. You are so lucky to have these birds and how you went about getting them.
It proves if shipped correctly and using a fool proof method of shipping the eggs. Its a method I plan to use this spring when I get some eggs in and ship some eggs out.

Thanks for the picture. bob
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