Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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My daughter took Champion English and reserve Large Fowl with a buff orpington pullet today at the Big Bird Classic in Pine Bluff Arkansas. I took reserve American with a barred Rock rooster. I scored major with the acquisition of a black Australorp rooster for my barred holland project.
A natural predator to a hawk, eagle etc is a wolf. Our PLGDs are huge. They are afraid of getting eaten by Buddy! No issues yet.

A natural predator can easily be another raptor preying on another species of raptor..depending on the species we are referring to. Fox, coyote, bobcats, fishers and many of the mustelidae family members are more than capable preadators as well. You can't leave them out of the discussions. Lions, tigers, bears oh my..if I were so lucky.
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Congrats on your win!
Good evening I was wondering if someone could help me in finding some Dorking chicks or is for a 4h child..actually sisters...Thank you very much..not sure this is the right place to ask..
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