Bobcat mitigation


9 Years
Mar 18, 2010
Over the past 3 weeks we have lost 4 chickens to a local bobcat. The last one was just carried past my office at 10:30 this morning! The chickens are free range in a small vineyard that has an 8 foot deer fence. After I lost the second one I installed electric fencing - One wire on the top and one on standoffs about 2 feet from the top are hot and all other wires are ground. For the last few chickens, the cat either didn't get shocked or didn't care.

This is all daytime predation. The chickens are in a bombproof enclosure at night. We have had the chickens out all year and this is the first time we have had problems. We have known the we live in a bobcat rich neighborhood and were a bit surprised that this didn't happen sooner.

I am looking at mitigation strategies and have read the archives without finding much on fencing techniques. Possibly because they don't work.

So here is the first question. Has anyone tried fence "leaners" to successfully keep out bobcats? They are the 45 degree angled metal pieces that you place on top of the fence and lean outward. I have seen variations used to keep domestic cats confined to a back yard. Of course the bobcat is a whole new ballgame, but I thought I would ask. I could electrify alternate top wires as well without much work.

The primary job of the chickens is to weed and feed the vineyard so I would like to keep them free ranged within the vineyard perimeter. The rows are a bit narrow for using a portable enclosure.

The recently deceased chickens were Ameracaunas, which were pretty savy about the local raptors. One thought we had was to possibly switch to Guinea Hens which are supposedly more predator aware. It seems from reading the forum that they get eaten with about the same frequency as the others. Any opinions on this?

Thanks, Marc
Sonoma, Ca
Put 1/2 inch hardware cloth on the fence at least 2 feet from the ground. Chickens are stupid and inquisitive, if a critter walks up to the wire a chicken will check it out and the cat, raccoon will reach in and grab it if the wire isn't small enough.
As of last week, we have now lost the seventh of our original nine chickens, all to bobcats. For years our flock free-ranged by day in a large shaded walled and fenced in side yard (and were locked up at night safely in their coop), but after the first bobcat attack we built a new Fort Knox. We took a walk-in 7 x 9 dog run and reinforced it from top to bottom (covering the entire top) - and adding smaller mesh, wiring, cables, ties, etc. all over -- you name it we did it to keep them safe.

Somehow a bobcat still got one of them thru the fencing after we first built it. Then we added yet more smaller mesh - 16 mos later fast forward to last week and the bobcat got another one thru the fence! We had chain link, topped with 2" square wire, dissecting the openings to be little more than 1 - 1.5" tops. Now we have added a third layer of chicken wire on the inside of everything. It's so upsetting when your chickens are your pets, they are so vulnerable and when you do everything to protect them and this still happens....

We know it's a bobcat because we've seen it each time, and it isn't the least bit scared of us.

We live in a far northeast semi-rural area of Phoenix. And we thought coyotes would be the problem but I'm sure our dogs keep them away. These cats are different - stealth and very swift. I'm beginning to think we need a climate controlled human shelter to keep them safe here.

I'm curious to hear what kind of fencing others have used to keep out wild cats ( ? )
I live in Tucson and bobcats have been the hardest and most relentless predator. Even with three dogs - including a Great Pyrenees still in training . Just had one pulled through gap in fencing this morning while I’m vacation. Worse is I know it will be coming back now daily. Let me know what your coop and fencing look like. Best of luck fellow desert dweller
I can't speak for bobcats, but we have a cat proof fence in our backyard (Purrfect Fence) just like you described, with arms facing inward and strong plastic mesh attached. The theory is that cats don't like to climb flimsy-feeling plastic mesh, and they don't like to climb upside down. Our cats cannot climb over, and they've tried. But more importantly, raccoons have entered the yard (climbing over a tree limb), and when they tried to get out over the fence, were also completely unable to do so. So maybe a cat proof fence, facing outward from your vineyard, would deter the bobcats? Just a thought.
Guineas will get eaten as rapidly or more so as any other bird. Guineas are more apt to scream loudly about getting eaten, but their propensity for roosting in trees and outside the coop is their undoing- they are usually the first to get snatched up.

Sorry for your losses. I can't offer any suggestions because our bobcats are our shyest predator. Here they are deterred by a hard look in their direction.

Good luck.
Our LGD has solved the bobcat problem. Yah, some help I am, our Pyr is my answer for everything

I did order a trap today so I do plan on making sure this guy doesn't return. The mitigation is really for the next one that shows up, though this guy would be a good test cat to test the enhanced fencing. I have a camera trap pointed at the chicken coop to see if and when he returns. I already got one nice photo of him below.

My next fence step will be an angled top facing outward as shown reaching about 12 inches. It is an 8 foot fence where the normal fencing goes to 6 feet. Above that will be alternating electric and ground wires as shown with 4" spaces. (* = elec - = ground).

<--- 12"--->

- <-- top of fence post (8 feet) , wires above will be held by some sort of bracket attached to the top of the post tbd
* |
- |
* | alternating hot/ground wires
- |
* |
- <--Top of regular fencing (6 feet)(grounded)

Anyone else find it ironic that the descendants of veloceraptors are being eaten by the descendants of mammals?

Bobcats are easily trapped with coil spring traps, use a mouse for bait in a cubby set. Apply lead medicine once cat is trapped. Tan for into a nice hat.

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