Bobcat or Raccoons?

Not what I wanted to hear
I have a sneaky feeling it's a pair as the one coyote looked to be carrying more than just chicken dinner in it's belly.
you may already know this,but coyote's travel in packs.they have "scouts" the go out,ahead of the pack to locate the days meal.i think that is what you saw.if you've ever heard coyote's start howling,many times it will start with one or two.then you will hear many that will sound like they are in a diffrent location than the first two.this is the "scouts"calling the rest of the pack for dinner.
sorry i missidentified your sounded just like our group kill by coons.
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No worries. We've never had coyotes in this immediate area so when I saw the 1 yesterday I nearly fell over. They are spreading throughout Florida in a rapid pace it seems. I'm literally a stones throw from the the coast.

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