bobwhite escape and questions


11 Years
Sep 26, 2008
Pine County MN
Two sundays ago, someone dropped off 8 bobwhites, saying they were about 3 months old. (3 males, 5 females). I'm learning as fast as I can.
I have chickens but they are pretty different!

FIrst off, I know I know I know, I shouldn't have chickens and quail. I didn't know it Sunday, and since these quail were going to be let loose to fend for themselves, and since I live in northern minnesota where the snows generally are too deep for quail survival, they still have a better shot with me. They have their own coop and run, but it was previously occupied by chickens.

Anyway, I had one male escape tonight. I dont have any near neighbors, just woods and fields. Lots of predators. It was night when he escaped, I was stupidly trying to get the group into the coop for the night because I don't trust the run at night. The group has gone in the coop every night, but maybe tonights almost full moon convinced them to stay in the run.

Anything I can do to help the quail return?

Another other question I have is feed - I found some 28% gamebird grower. Is it ok to keep them on this high a protein for awhile til the 50 pounds is gone, or should I cut it so the protein is closer to 22%? They are eating a lot of ragweed and other seed heads right now, wild grapes and raspberries. They are on ground, have grit and oystershell.

Is it too early for the oystershell for them since the hens won't lay til spring?

I would appreciate anyone's kind advice!
Anything I can do to help the quail return?
Quail tend to stick together. If predators haven't gotten your escaped bird, your caged birds should be able to call it back (rally call) if that male didn't go too far.
Thank you - just before true dawn, the quail in the pen were calling the lost one, and he came back. I was able to open the pen door and he just scurried in, and to my surprise, none of the quail inside attempted to leave.

Any thoughts on the protein level of the feed?
28% might be a little high, but as far as I know, some keep quail on 30% protein all their life, so I don't think 28% is a problem, in particular as they eat other things as well. And 22% might be too little.
It might be a bit early for the oyster shell, but they might be able to regulate themselves and take only what they need.
Good to hear he came back :)

Edit: I learned something new from the post below, wasn't aware the bobs had so much lower protein requirements. You should probably listen to dc3085 rather than me ^^
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Bobs can stand less protein. 19% for birds youre planning to release or theyll get too fat and wont be able to fly well. 24% for breeders but the 28-40 wouldnt kill them.

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