Bobwhite male breeding with Blue Scale Female (Blob Quail)


May 9, 2017
SW Oklahoma
Ok, so, I had raised a covey of Blue scale quail and sold all except one that was badly beaten and bloodied. I had no idea it was even a female. After she recovered, I placed her in with a covey of about 60 Butler Bobwhites (male and female) and watched them closely for their reactions. To my amazement, everything was perfectly fine. They acted as though, she had always been with them. Anyway, the Blue scale began laying eggs and after a couple of weeks I became curious to know whether or not her eggs were fertile. I placed ten of her eggs into the incubator. I checked them yesterday and ALL ten are fertile. I researched the internet and found very little information about this crossbreed except that they are called "Blobs".
Has anyone ever hatched these "Blobs" before? If so, can you tell me their temperament? Also, I have also heard that "Blobs" are sterile. Does anyone know this for sure? Now I'm very interested in how this will turn out...

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