boiled bantum eggs


8 Years
Mar 30, 2011
Southeastern Ohio
I read somewhere that kids like the small boiled egg (pure cuteness factor). But do you need to boil bantum eggs for less time than Large eggs?
Just curious, I can experiment, but aren't getting enough of them to waste them if I do it wrong, so a little guidance would lessen the waste factor. Thanks for input if you have it.
Hi JTBrown. I am anxiously awaiting my first eggs - which likely will be bantie eggs, since my bantams are 6 weeks older than the rest of my flock, so I do not have first hand experience with bantam eggs. However, I do know a nice trick for hard-boiling regular eggs which should reduce the risk of over-boiling your bantam eggs. If you put your eggs in cold water and bring it to a boil, and then immediately turn off the heat and slap a lid on your pot, regular eggs will be perfectly hardboiled in 10 minutes. For bantam eggs, I plan to experiment with a shorter time. Even if I blow it, and leave the bantie eggs in too long, they will just have that icky green on the yolk - not perfect, but not ruined. I used to boil eggs the whole cooking time and found that they would sometimes explode their shells. This trick works great.
Yes you would boil bantam eggs a shorter time. Eggs from the grocery store are plenty old which means the membrane is drying out and separated from the shell. Fresh from the hen eggs are very hard to peel. There are a couple of threads on here now and multiple in the past about how to successfully boil fresh eggs.

I add 1 tsp salt to water and bring it to a boil. I use a large spoon and carefully lower my eggs into the water. Make sure the water covers the eggs. Cover and lower heat to simmer. I would cook small eggs 10 - 11 minutes, Large eggs 15. Immediately drain the water off and place in ice water. As soon as you can handle them (a minute or so) crack the shells on all then peel them starting at the large end. I have tried different ways but this produces perfect eggs nearly 100% of the time and the yellows have no discoloration.
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I finally resisted frying bantam eggs regularly long enough to get a batch to boil. I used the gentle emersion in boiling water method, they peeled fabulously and were great at 14 minutes but will go a little less next time for them. I intended to go shorter but got distracted so ended up at 14 minutes with the standard eggs. I can't wait til holiday to do some fancy deviled eggs that are bantams -- extra work but cute factor over the top!
I am so glad you tried it and it worked for you. I've never had it fail but tried nearly everything else first because it sounded insane to me to drop an egg into boiling water. Personally I like egg salad but not when I had my heart set on deviled eggs.
Early last spring my layers where barely doing their job and the egg supply got low so I bartered for eggs from a friend. I got eggs from her brother's farm which were all shades including green and blue, mixed with my speckled wellie eggs and her banty cochin and silkiy eggs. I boiled about 18 and took them to my grandchildren. They thought it was better than Easter. My grandson wanted to keep them because they were so pretty. Eggs are awesome and it is fun to see someone appreciate that. Kids especially like the size and color differences.

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