Boise Idaho, need young layers


Dec 27, 2020
Hi, new to this wonderful community!
It was suggested to me that I put a add out for layers here. My entire flock was killed on December 23rd. I had 9 layers under a year old. I’m in search for at least 4 young layers to replace a portion of my flock and I plan on in the early spring getting chicks. If you know of anyone/place that has a few hens that would be super helpful. Thanks
Hi, new to this wonderful community!
It was suggested to me that I put a add out for layers here. My entire flock was killed on December 23rd. I had 9 layers under a year old. I’m in search for at least 4 young layers to replace a portion of my flock and I plan on in the early spring getting chicks. If you know of anyone/place that has a few hens that would be super helpful. Thanks
*update*After much searching I found a wonderful lady who let me buy 4 of her flock! I’m super grateful! Thanks to this wonderful supportive chicken community ❤️

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