Booted bantam eggs?


In the Brooder
Aug 23, 2015
Can someone show me what Mille fleur booted bantam eggs look like? Not d'uccles with the beards. I also have sebrights. Can someone show me the difference please because I have a booted hen nesting and I don't know if there hers or not.... Just send me pics!!
Here are some eggs from my Booted Bantams. Not Mille Fleur but Paint(?) and Black Copper/Black Copper split Mottled. With EE, Barnevelder, and brown egg layer eggs above for comparison. All my BB eggs have been pale/tinted, and rather long and pointed. Slightly smaller than a Silkie egg.


Nice to see another Booted Bantam fancier. There are far too few of us. It would be nice to make the BBs as popular as their d'Uccle cousins.
Thanks! Now that I know that they are hers I can determine that I will have interesting crosses as the father is a white sebright!

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