Bored to entertain them?

Chicky Joy

11 Years
Jun 22, 2008
Unfortunately our chickens can't really be allowed to free range. They are 21 weeks...about half of our 8 hens are laying. They are also looking really bored. They have a 12x12 coop and a 12x8 run. I've noticed that they are starting to dig in all the corners and by the door of the run. I know they would like to be let out to roam the yard but I don't see a way that could happen due to our other animals and other issues. What I was wondering was if anyone had any suggestions for keeping the ladies entertained? I'm pretty creative but new to chickens so I could use some help.
I would put a few Bird toys from the pet store in there and hang food scraps and stuff up off the ground so that it is hard to get to and put stuff in there for them to climb on.
You could add a small child plastic swimming pool filled with dirt so they can dig and dust bathe.

I use a length of the plastic/nylon cords that come wrapped around hay bales (but any strong thread/string would work) tied tightly around an apple and hang it in the coop. The chickens love to peck at it. For the size of your flock, I might suggest 3 apples so eveyone can get in on the fun.

I also hang lettuce, broccolli leaves, kale, any kind of greens.

I also stacked wooden crates in the pen and then moved them around every couple of days for the chickens to play in. This was before they were old enough and big enough to get out and free range a bit.

An old wooden ladder is also something fun to play on.

I hang grapes... and you should see them fly!

Here is a 10 week old White Rock going for the gold!

My daughter is a zookeeper and all of this she calls "environmental enrichment." She was always our animal lover and now spends her time coming up with ways to make captive exotic animals lives better.
Good ideas. We actually have some grape vines on the property that were here when we moved in. Hopefully we get some grapes this year.

The holes they are digging are right up against the walls/doors of the run. I don't know if they are attempting an escape or what. They seem to dust bathe in other areas.

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