bottom of legs and feet of hen look as if no circulation


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 26, 2008
One of our chicken legs has been slowly getting worse. We separated her when she first showed signs of her feet and legs giving her trouble.She eats and drinks but, she seems like she has no circulation to the bottom of her legs. She seems to have the signs of soon becoming lame.Is there anything I can do for her?
When you say she is showing signs of no circulation, do you mean they are turning blue or purple? How long has she been acting this way? How old is she? What is she eating? Do they free range? Have you checked her for injuries?
If you can post a pic it would be helpful. Are the scales of her legs and toes smooth? She may have leg mites. Is the color of her legs and toes normal or very dark? What's the temperature been like where you are? Could it be frostbite? If it is leg mites, coating her legs and toes in vaseline or neosporin will suffocate the mites, but you will have to do it until the scales look normal and smooth. Plenty of folks on here have had experience with frostbite and could perhaps advise you if that is the problem. Best wishes to you and your chicken.
Go to search in the index of this forum and look up bumblefoot, frostbite, and leg mites. You will find threads with pictures to compare with your bird's feet.
I honestly think it's frostbite as cold as it's been they are not free range and she is about 9 months old.Her legs and feet look dark.
you should separate this hen to a dry, warm and temp stable environment to proceed further.
We separated her into her own pen. she is warm and dry plenty of food and water. Her feet are cold to the touch.
are the legs cold too?
can you tell where the temp changes on her legs?
try giving her plain aspirin..5 (325mg) tablets per 1 gallon of water, to help with discomfort and any inflammation, and hopefully help with circulation.

give vitamins and electrolytes,(electrolytes for only a couple days) and extra protein, such as cooked egg.

make sure there is no draft and she is kept warm.

please keep us updated.

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