Bought As A Dominique But Now Idk


Jul 20, 2021
Central Florida
Hi! I have this 4 to 5 month old Dominique pullet. She is happy she is healthy. I found a young Dominique picture online and mine obviously doesn’t look like that. I am now second-guessing myself and her breed. Is she being malnourished that’s why her feathers aren’t growing? Are they just a slow growing breed? Is she not the breed that was labeled at my local tractor supply.

any information is helpful!


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I'm not sure what she is, she's very pretty though! A black sexlink of some sort?
TSC gets their chicks from Hoovers, Hoovers is a hatchery known for mixed up paperwork on chicks so whatever paperwork they send on the chicks, that's what tsc has to go by.
Unfortunately that's definitely not a Dominique--she should have obvious barring, and she has the wrong kind of comb. Whatever she is is pretty, though!
Very pretty. Looks like a combo chicken. Face looks like my Sapphire Gem but white around the neck reminds me of my wyandotte. Definitely not a Dominique.
Is she not the breed that was labeled at my local tractor supply.

She is not a Dominique. We see plenty of posts about Tractor Supply selling wrongly-labeled chicks, so I think that's what happened here too.

She looks like a Black Sexlink, except that she's Blue. So I'm guessing Blue Sexlink.

If so, she'll probably be about like a Dominique in size and ability to lay brown eggs, but obviously she has a different color and a different kind of comb.

Is she being malnourished that’s why her feathers aren’t growing?

I'm not sure what you mean here. She looks like she's got a good set of feathers :confused:

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